Manabu Ozaki
Amjad Rehman, Dzulkifli Mohamad and Ghazali Sulong
Sanjay Kumar Khattri
Arif Rafiq, Ana Maria Acu, and Florin Sofonea
Moustafa A. Sayed and Ehab Y. Abdel Maksoud
K. L. Narayan and A. V. PapaRao
C.S.Kanimozhi Selvi, and A.Tamilarasi
P.Elango and K.Murugesan
Ahmad Tawfik Ali
A.Boomarani Malany, V.R.Sarma Dhulipala, and RM.Chandrasekaran
Salah Mecheri
P Visalakshi1 and S N Sivanandam
Iqbal H. Jebril and Ra’ed Hatamleh
Hemen Dutta
N.Thillaigovindan, S.Anita Shanthi, and S.Vijayabalaji
Valmir Krasniqi and Armend Sh. Shabani
Ngo Phuoc Nguyen Ngoc, Nguyen Van Vinh and Pham Thi Thao Hien
H.M. El-Hawary and K.A. El-Shami
Meiqiang Feng Xianggui Li and Chunyan Xue
Naim L. Braha
Hossein Abbassi1 and Kourosh Nourouzi
T. K. Samanta and Iqbal H. Jebril
Khemal Bencheikh yamina
K. Premalatha, A.M. Natarajan
Said Mesloub and Abdelouahab Mansour
Proceedings MOMA 2009
1 M. ATTEIA : Revisiting quasi-convexity
2 BARJE : Feedback Stabilization of Nonisothermal Plug Flow Tubular Reactor Nonlinear Model.
3 BENALI : Investigation numerique de la structure des ecoulements generes par des
agitateurs helicoyodaux
4 BERHAIL : Study of petrowsky system with incomplete data
5 ElAKKAD : Stabilized finite element method for the Navier-Stokes problem
6 ElBUOUIHI : Numerical study of two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes
equations in natural convection with nanofluids
7 ElHOURMI : Optimal harvesting policies for a fish population model
8 ELOUARDI : Existence of Bounded Solutions for a Nonlinear Parabolic System with
Nonlinear Gradient Term.
9 LASSOUEDRACHID : Modeling of the orthotropic bridge's impact response
10 LATIF : Global convergence of the quasi Newton BFGS algorithm with new
nonmonotone line search technique
11 LEFEBVRE : Optimizing the time spent by diffusion processes in intervals
12 MAHRI : Solving the Boundary Value Problem of the Wind Turbine Blade
Equation (Calculation of the Mode Shape Functions)
13 MALINOWSKA-TORRES : Delta-Nabla Isoperimetric Problems
14 MANSOUR : On the estimate of norms of commutator between subnormal
operators which their real and complex parts are contraction
15 SAKER : On Some Nonlinear Integral Equation at the Boundary in the
Potential Method
16 SAMIR : Optimization of an intense magnetic environment effect on the
electrical characteristics of a MOS transistor
17 TIKITOKAWTAR : Optimization of the cost stock and transport in
a multi-product one-level supply chain systems under a probabilistic demand