Experimental Mathematics
Volume 14 (2005)
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Volume 14, Issue 1
A Diophantine Property Associated with Prime Twins
by P. Shiu
Heuristics for the Whitehead Minimization Problem
by R. M. Haralick, A. D. Miasnikov, and A. G. Myasnikov
Classification of Solvable Lie Algebras
by W. A. de Graaf
Special Values of the Standard Zeta Functions for Elliptic Modular Forms
by Hidenori Katsurada
On Lower Bounds of the Density of Delone Sets and Holes in Sequences of Sphere Packings
by G. Muraz and J. -L. Verger-Gaugry
Einstein Metrics on Exotic Spheres in Dimensions 7, 11, and 15
by Charles P. Boyer, Krzysztof Galicki, János Kollár, and Evan Thomas
A New Algorithm for the Computation of Logarithmic ℓ-Class Groups of Number Fields
by Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Jean-François Jaulent, Sebastian Pauli,
Michael Pohst, and Florence Soriano-Gafiuk
Forcing Relations for Homoclinic Orbits of the Smale Horseshoe Map
by Pieter Collins
The Asymptotic Distribution of Exponential Sums, II
by S. J. Patterson
A Software Package for the Numerical Integration of ODEs by Means of High-Order Taylor Methods
by Àngel Jorba and Maorong Zou
Wildly Ramified Galois Representations and a Generalization of a Conjecture of Serre
by Darrin Doud
Volume 14, Issue 2
Power Integral Bases in the Family of Simplest Quartic Fields
by Péter Olajos
Effective Reduction of Goresky-Kottwitz-MacPherson Graphs
by Charles Cochet
Discrete Periodic Geodesics in a Surface
by Anders Linnér and Robert Renka
A Computer-Based Approach to the Classification of Nilpotent Lie Algebras
by Csaba Schneider
Computations with Frobenius Powers
by Susan Hermiller and Irena Swanson
Constructing Invariants for Finite Groups
by W. Plesken and D. Robertz
On Real Quadratic Number Fields Suitable for Cryptography
by Daniel Schielzeth and Michael E. Pohst
Outer Boundaries of Self-Similar Tiles
by Shawn Drenning, Judith Palagallo, Thomas Price, and Robert S. Strichartz
Salem Numbers, Pisot Numbers, Mahler Measure, and Graphs
by James McKee and Chris Smyth
Fibred and Virtually Fibred Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds in the Censuses
by J. O. Button
Volume 14, Issue 3
On Minimal Logarithmic Signatures of Finite Groups
Wolfgang Lempken and Tran van Trung
Irrational Life
William Geller and Michal Misiurewicz
Some Computations Regarding Folukes’ Conjecture
Jurgen Müller and Max Neunhöffer
Supplementary Materials
Visializing Ricci Flow of Manifolds of Revolution
J. Hyam Rubinstein and Robert Sinclair
Supplementary Materials
The First Birkhoff Coefficient and the Stability of 2-Periodic Orbits on Billiards
Sylvie Oliffson Kamphorst and Sónia Pinto-de-Carvalho
The Iwasawa Invariants and the Higher K-Groups Associated to Real Quadratic Fields
Hiroki Sumida-Takahashi
A Comparison of Three High-Precision Quadrature Schemes
David H. Bailey, Karthik Jeyabalan, and Xiaoye S. Li
The First Bifurcation Point for Delaunay Nodoids
Wayne Rossman
Extremal Modular Lattices, McKay Thompson Series, Quadratic Iterations, and New Series for π
Kok Seng Chua
Semi-Presentations for the Sporadic Simple Groups
S. J. Nickerson and R. A. Wilson
Supplementary Materials
A The Hyperplanes of DW(5,2)
Harm Pralle
Volume 14, Issue 4
A Partial Order in the Knot Table
Teruaki Kitano and Masaaki Suzuki
Supplementary Materials
On the Congruence ax + by ≡ 1 Modulo xy
J. Brzezin’ski, W. Holsztyn’ski, and P. Kurlberg
Small Limit Points of Mahler’s Measure
David W. Boyd and Michael J. Mossinghoff
A Quick and Dirty Irreducibility Test for Multivariate Polynomials over Fq
H. -C. Graf v. Bothmer and F. -O. Schreyer
Encryption Schemes using Finite Frames and Hadamard Arrays
Ryan Harkins, Eric Weber, and Andrew Westmeyer
Generating Discrete Morse Functions from Point Data
Henry King, Kevin Knudson, and Neza Mramor
A Conjecture on Poincaré-Betti Series of Modules of Differential Operators on a Generic
Hyperplane Arrangement
Jan Snellman
Supplementary Materials
Explicit Computations of Hilbert Modular Forms on ℚ(√5)
Lassina Dembélé
Dirichlet Domains for the Mostow Lattices
Martin Deraux
Orbits in the Leech Lattice
Daniel Allcock