Experimental Mathematics
Editorial Board
Yuri Tschinkel New York University (tschinkel@math.nyu.edu)
Founding Editor
David B. A. Epstein, University of Warwick (david.epstein@warwick.ac.uk)
Associate Editors
Jonathan Borwein, University of Newcastle (jonathan.borwein@newcastle.edu.au)
Joe P. Buhler, Center for Communications Research (jpb@reed.edu)
Rafael de la Llave,
University of Texas ()
Ronald L. Graham, University of California, San Diego (graham@ucsd.edu)
Sinan Güntürk, New York University (gunturk@courant.nyu.edu)
Brendan Hassett, Rice University (hassett@rice.edu )
Derek Holt, University of Warwick (d.f.holt@warwick.ac.uk)
Sadayoshi Kojima, Tokyo Institute of Technology (sadayosi@is.titech.ac.jp)
Robert Kusner, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (kusner@math.umass.edu)
Albert Marden, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (am@math.umn.edu)
David Mumford, Brown University (david_mumford@brown.edu)
Walter Neumann, Columbia University (neumann@math.columbia.edu)
Wilhelm Plesken, Rhein.-Westf. Technische Hochschule Aachen (plesken@willi.math.rwth-aachen.de)
Michael Pohst, Technische Universität Berlin (pohst@math.tu-berlin.de)
Peter C. Sarnak, Princeton University (sarnak@math.princeton.edu)
Bernd Sturmfels, University of California, Berkeley (bernd@math.berkeley.edu)
Roderick Wong, City University of Hong Kong (mawong@cityu.edu.hk)