Volume XV (2007) fascicola 1
Table of contents:
- Cover 1
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- Cover 2
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- Prefata/Preface
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- Introduction
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- C. Baciu
Rank two Ulrich modules over the affine cone of the simple node
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- M. Cimpoeas
Regularity for certain classes of monomial ideals
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- C. Ciobanu
About relationship between generalized structurable algebras and Lie related triple
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- M. Cipu
Pairs of Pell equations having at most one common solution in positive integers
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- A. Dimca
On the irreducible components of characteristic varieties
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- V. Ene
Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over hypersurface rings
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- F. Enescu
Briancon-Skoda for Noetherian filtrations
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- A. Gica
A generalization of a result of Fermat
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- M. Kures
A note to the unipotency of the identity component of the group of algebra automorphisms
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- B. Martin
Milnor algebras versus modular germs for unimodal hypersurface singularities
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- G. Pfister
On modular computation of standard basis
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- A. Stefan
The cones associated to some transversal polymatroids
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