Volume XIII (2005) fascicola 2
Table of contents:
- M. la Barbiera and M. Paratore
Normality of monomial ideals in two sets of variables
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- A. Bărbulescu
Boundness conditions of Hausdorff H-measure in metric spaces
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- P.V. Danchev
Isomorhism of noncommutative group algebras of torsion-free groups over a field
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- C. Flaut
Divison algebras with dimension 2^t, where t belogs to N
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- C. Mortici
A new simple proof for an inequality of Cebyshev type
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- A. Nicola
Stability of discrete shocks for difference aproximations to systems of conservation laws
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- D.M. Popovici
Behavioral aspects and behavior-oriented architectures in 3D virtual environments
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- N.L. Tudor
Cost evaluation in joins' optimization
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- R. Vernic
On the multivariate skew-normal distribution and its scale mixtures
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- Instructiuni / Instructions
Instructiuni pentru autori / Instructions for authors
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