For submission of papers, please use the following address:
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius, Seria Matematica, Ovidius University, Mamaia Bd. 124, 900527 Constanta, Romania
Manuscripts may be submitted electronically, by e-mail. Papers should be in LaTeX format, using the standard article document class, i.e.
\usepackage{} % Please include any local package you are using
\author{} % Here insert the authors name and the address
\title{} % Here insert the title
\date{} % this must be left empty
.................. % Here comes the body of the text
The manuscript should also contain one or more key words which describe the important concepts of your paper, as well as 2010 Mathematical Subject Classification numbers of your work.
Graphics files can be included in either LaTeX character graphics format or in PostScript format. To include PostScript files in your document, we prefer the macro commands inthe epsfig.sty.
Authors should make sure that the manuscripts submitted are ready for refereeing. Authors submitting an article affirm that the same manuscript is not concurrently submitted to another publication.
The submitted papers have to be results of the original research of the authors.