Volume IX (2001) fascicola 2
Table of contents:
- E. Asadurian
A pair of Jordan triple systems of Jordan Pair type
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- A.Barbulescu
About the h-measure of a set
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- C.Ciobanu
Something about Frattini subalgebras of a class of solvable Lie algebras
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- C. Ciobanu and Gh. Marin
On Heuristic Optimization
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- C. Costara and D. Popa
Effective determination of all the Hahn-Banach extensions of some linear and continuous functionals
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- C. Flaut
Some equations in algebras obtained by the Cayley-Dickson process
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- D. Ibadula
Tamely Ramified Extension's structure
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- C. Ionescu
Hochschild (co)homology in Commutative Algebra. A survey
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- A. Leahu
On the space of Markov chain's finite projections
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- D. Pavel
Some elementary applications of topological degree
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- A. Pasarescu
Ruuckert Nullstellensatz for normed, non-discrete fields using non-standard analysis
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- E. Popescu
Use of the interior-point method for correcting and solving inconsistent linear inequality systems
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- M. Popovici
Multi-resolution virtual environments modelling
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- K. W. Roggenkamp
Group rings, Hecke orders, quasi-hereditary orders, cellular orders and deformations
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- D. Tofan, I. Tofan and C. Volf
Asupra multimilor nuantate
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- R. Vernic
Evaluating the bivariate compound generalized Poisson distribution
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- C. Volf
Fuzzy subfields
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- Instructiuni / Instructions
Instructiuni pentru autori / Instructions for authors
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