Volume XI (2003) fascicola 2
Table of contents:
- I. Antonescu
Asupra unei categorii de probleme de programare matematică liniară cu coeficienţii interval
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- C. Bătătorescu
Metoda celor mai mici pătrate trunchiate pentru o clasă de modelel autoregresive
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- D. Buşneag and D. Piciu
F-multipliers and the localization of MV-algebras
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- M. Caţă
Exactly positioning determination using global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
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- C. Ciobanu and I. Colţescu
Vanishing results for semisimple Lie algebras and applications (RETRACTED)
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- S. Demetriu and R. Trandafir
Time-frequency representations of earthquake motion records
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- C. Flaut
Some examples of real division algebras
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- P. Iacob, D. Marinescu and C. Luca
Covering with rectangular pieces
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- A. Jeflea
A parametric study for solving nonlinear fractional problems
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- Gh. Marin and M. Caţă
Consideraţii privind analiza fiabilităţii acţiunilor de luptă
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- A. Munteanu
Despre studiul teoretic al curenţilor de derivă şi de pantă
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- Elena Popescu
On the aproximation of inconsistent inequality system
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- Emil Popescu
A class of Dirichlet forms generated by pseudo differential operators
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- I. Popoviciu
Optimization algorithm for finding solutions in linear programming problems
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- D. Simian and C. Simian
On multivariate interpolation by weights
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- Z. Szabo
On the multi-grid iteration for the eigenvalue problem and the degree of interpolation which it requires (I)
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- Z. Szabo and M. Kovacs
On interior-point methods and simplex method in linear programming
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- I. Taşcu and A. Buie
On the order of aproximation of funtions by the bidimensional operators Favard-Szasz-Mirakyan
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- R. Trandafir, S. Demetriu and I. Mierluş-Mazilu
Determination of reliability bounds for structural systems using linear programming
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- P. Vasiliu
Consideraţii asupra perturbării vectorilor b şi c din problema de programare liniară
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- R. Vernic
Arithmetizing continuous distributions: numerical aspects
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- Instructiuni / Instructions
Instructiuni pentru autori / Instructions for authors
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