Volume XVII (2009) fascicola 1
Table of contents:
- Cover 0
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Download: .PDF - T. Allahviranloo, A. Panahi and H. Rouhparvar
A computational method to find an approximate analytical solution for fuzzy differential equations
Download: .PDF - Adara M. BLAGA
An isoparametric function on almost k-contact manifolds
Download: .PDF - Maria-Magdalena BOUREANU
On the existence and nonexistence of positive entire large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations
Download: .PDF - Serap BULUT
Univalence preserving integral operators defined by generalized Al-Oboudi differential operators
Download: .PDF - Yeol Je Cho, Xiaolong Qin and Shin Min Kang
Strong convergence of the Modified Halpern-type iterative algorithms in Banach spaces
Download: .PDF - Anca Croitoru and Cristian Văideanu
On pointwise measurability of multifunctions
Download: .PDF - Cristian DINU
A Weighted Hermite Hadamard Inequality for Steffensen–Popoviciu and Hermite–Hadamard Weights on Time Scales
Download: .PDF - Zhenhua He, Deifei Zhang and Feng Gu
Viscosity approximation method for m-accretive mapping and variational inequality in Banach space
Download: .PDF - Andrei IONICĂ
Existence and non-existence results for elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions
Download: .PDF - Costică MOROŞANU
Fractional steps method to approximate the nonlinear phase-field transition system; 2D case
Download: .PDF - C. MORTICI
An Extension of the Szász-Mirakjan Operators
Download: .PDF - Ingrid OANCEA
A Bernstein-Stancu type operator which preserves e2
Download: .PDF - Mădălina PĂCURAR
Approximating common fixed points of Presi´c-Kannan type operators by a multi-step iterative method
Download: .PDF - Nader Jafari Rad
Domination in Circulant Graphs
Download: .PDF - Sergiu RUDEANU
What can be expected from a Boolean derivative?
Download: .PDF - A.P. Santhakumaran and P.Titus
The edge fixed geodomination number of a graph
Download: .PDF - C.Selvaraj and K.R.Karthikeyan
Differential Subordination and Superordination For Analytic Functions Defined Using A Family Of Generalized Differential Operators
Download: .PDF - Simona SETTEPANELLA
On the Cohomology with local coefficients of Pure Braid Groups
Download: .PDF - M. TURINICI
Variational statements on KST-metric structures
Download: .PDF - Book Reviews
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