Readers of Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius, Seria Matematica, are hereby invited to participate in the refereeing of articles submitted to the journal.
The task of the referee is to make a critical evaluation of the submitted paper and an explicit recommendation to accept or reject the paper for publication. In many cases, referees recommend acceptance (or re-evaluation) subject to a revision, and provide explicit guidelines for the author(s) to follow.
The process of refereeing normally takes 4 to 6 weeks. Referees are not supposed to communicate directly with the authors. All communications are through the editors.
If you would like to serve as a referee, please register with us by sending an email with headline Refereeing for An. St. Math. Series and providing us with the following information.
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Special scientific interests and selected publications (eventually 2000 MSC numbers).