Volume XII (2004) fascicola 1
Table of contents:
- D. Bala
A nonlinear model of a regenerative vibrating machine tool
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- P. Danchev
The isomorphic description of torsion units in commutative group rings
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- T. Glavosits and A. Szaz
Pointwise and global sums and negatives of translation relations
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- C. Mandruta
Recursive definition, based on a meta-model, for the type system of complex computing systems architectures
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- G. Rinaldo
Modules with sliding depth
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- D. Savin
Some diophantine equations (III)
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- D. Savin
On the diophantine equation x4-q4=py3
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- C. Sburlan
An optimal method of Galerkin type for diffusion-dispertion problems
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- R. Vernic
Comparing convolution with Dhaene-Vandebroek and De Pril's recursion from a computational point of view
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