Volume XII (2004) fascicola 2
Table of contents:
- Prefaţă/Preface
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- Dan Dumitru Pascali
List of publications
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- Some quotations
Some qoutations of Dan Pascali's work
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- Dan Dumitru Pascali
Great people and eminent mathematicians
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- P. Anghel and F. Scurla
From variational to hemivariational inequalities
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- L. Badea
Multilevel Schwarz method for the minimization with constraints of non-quadratic functionals
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- A. Bărbulescu
On a class of functions with the graph box dimension s
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- C. Bereanu and J. Mawhin
Nonlinear Neumann boundary value problems with Φ-laplacian operators
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- C.L. Chiriac
On the splitting methods and the proximal point algorithm for the maximal monotone operators
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- C. Ciobanu and I. Colţescu
Large constructors for nonsolvable Lie algebras
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- E.M. Crăciun and O. Simionescu-Panait
Instability critical loads of the fiber reinforced elastic composites
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- L.F. Dinu and M.I. Dinu
A Riemann restricted characterization of the quasilinearity hierarchy - some remarks
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- L. Gratie
New unknowns on the midsurface of a Naghdi's shell model
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- G. Isac
On Rothe's fixed point theorem in a general topological vector space
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- C. Popa
A Kaczmarz-Kovarik algorithm for symmetric ill-conditioned matrices
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- E. Popescu and Gh. Popescu
Modelling navigation systems by mean of multimedia and communication technologies
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- M. Sofonea and A. Matei
A mixed variational formulation for the Signorini frictionless problem in viscoplasticity
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- Instructiuni / Instructions
Instructiuni pentru autori / Instructions for authors
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