Joseph H. Silverman |
Lang's height conjecture and Szpiro's conjecture |
1 |
Ayhan Esi |
The classes of strongly VλF(A,p)-summable sequences of fuzzy numbers |
13 |
Florian Luca and Carl Pomerance |
On the radical of a perfect number |
23 |
Jonathan Dahlberg, Alexander Dubbs, Edward Newkirk, and Hung Tran |
Isoperimetric regions in the plane with density rp |
31 |
Akhlaq A. Siddiqui |
A proof of the Russo-Dye theorem for JB*-algebras |
53 |
Andrei Căldăraru and Simon Willerton |
The Mukai pairing. I. A categorical approach |
61 |
Nathan M. Dunfield, Stavros Garoufalidis, Alexander Shumakovitch, and Morwen Thistlethwaite |
Behavior of knot invariants under genus 2 mutation
99 |
Benjamin Hutz |
Dynatomic cycles for morphisms of projective varieties |
125 |
Jonathan L. Gross |
Genus distribution of graphs under surgery: adding edges and splitting vertices |
161 |
David Bourqui |
Fonctions L d'Artin et nombre de Tamagawa motiviques |
179 |
Dennis Courtney |
Unions of arcs from Fourier partial sums |
235 |
Heath Emerson and Ralf Meyer |
Dualities in equivariant Kasparov theory |
245 |
S. Kaliszewski, Paul S. Muhly, John Quigg, and Dana P. Williams |
Coactions and Fell bundles |
315 |
Kunle Adegoke |
New binary and ternary digit extraction (BBP-type) formulas for trilogarithm constants |
361 |
Magnus Goffeng |
Equivariant extensions of *-algebras |
369 |