Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1958
Zbl 080.03305
Erdös, Paul
, Sur certaines séries à valeur irrationnelle. (On certain series with irrational values)
Enseign. Math., II. Ser. 4, 93-100 (1958).
[Reviewer: K.Mahler]
, 11J72
Zbl 080.26304
Erdös, Paul; Jabotinsky, Eri
, On sequences of integers generated by a sieving process. I, II.
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 61, 115-123, 124-128 (1958).
[Reviewer: S.Selberg]
, 11M35
Zbl 081.00102
Erdös, Paul
, Some unsolved problems.
Mich. Math. J. 4, 291-300 (1958).
, 00A07 11-02
Zbl 081.03901
Erdös, Paul
, Über eine Art von Lakunarität. (On some kind of lucunarity.)
Colloq. Math. 5, 6-7 (1958).
[Reviewer: H.Ostmann]
, 11B05
Zbl 081.04204
Erdös, Paul
, Some remarks on Euler's \phi function.
Acta Arith. 4, 10-19 (1958).
[Reviewer: B.Stolt]
, 11N64 11A25
Zbl 081.04205
Erdös, Paul
, On the distribution function of additive arithmetical functions and on some related problems.
Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Milano 27, 45-49 (1958).
[Reviewer: L.K.Hua]
, 11N60 11K64
Zbl 081.27006
Erdös, Paul
, Some remarks on a paper of McCarthy.
Can. Math. Bull. 1, 71-73 (1958).; remarks and corrections ibid. 3, 127-129 (1960).
[Reviewer: L.Holzer]
, 11A25
Zbl 083.03701
Erdös, Paul
, Solution of two problems of Jankowska.
Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astron. Phys. 6, 545-547 (1958).
[Reviewer: K.Prachar]
, 11A25
Zbl 083.03702
Erdös, Paul
, On an elementary problem in number theory.
Can. Math. Bull. 1, 5-8 (1958).
[Reviewer: J.P.Tull]
, 11N56
Zbl 083.29001
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on the theory of interpolation. I.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 9, 381-388 (1958).
[Reviewer: P.L.Butzer]
, 41A05 00A07
Zbl 084.04503
Erdös, Paul; Urbanik, Kazimierz
, On sets which are measured by multiples of irrational numbers.
Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astron. Phys. 6, 743-748 (1958).
[Reviewer: B.Volkmann]
, 28A99 11B05
Zbl 084.05403
Erdös, Paul; Piranian, G.
, The topologization of a sequence space by Toeplitz matrices.
Mich. Math. J. 5, 139-148 (1958).
[Reviewer: K.Zeller]
, 54A20
Zbl 085.03402
Erdös, Paul
, Asymptotic formulas for some arithmetic functions.
Can. Math. Bull. 1, 149-153 (1958).
[Reviewer: B.Volkmann]
, 11N37
Zbl 085.05205
Erdös, Paul
, Concerning approximation with nodes.
Colloq. Math. 6, 25-27 (1958).
[Reviewer: G.Sansone]
, 41A10
Zbl 087.04305
Erdös, Paul; Szüsz, Péter; Turán, Paul
, Remarks on the theory of diophantine approximation.
Colloq. Math. 6, 119-126 (1958).
[Reviewer: E.Hlawka]
, 11J25
Zbl 088.25302
Erdös, Paul; Herzog, F.; Piranian, C.
, Metric properties of polynomials.
J. Anal. Math. 6, 125-148 (1958).
[Reviewer: J.Dieudonné]
, 30C10
Zbl 091.35402
Erdös, Paul; Vincze, István
, Über die Annäherung geschlossener, konvexer Kurven. (On the approach of closed convex curves)
Mat. Lapok 9, 19-36 (1958).
[Reviewer: I.Fáry]
, 52-99
Zbl 102.28401
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, On the structure of set-mappings
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 9, 111-131 (1958).
[Reviewer: W.Neumer]
, 05D10 03E55 04A20 03E05
Zbl 107.27002
Erdös, Paul; Rényi, Alfréd; Szüsz, Péter
, On Engel's and Sylvester's series
Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Math. 1, 7-32 (1958).
[Reviewer: J.Cigler]
, 11K55
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