Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, Nouvelle Série Vol. 87(101), pp. 143–153 (2010) |
ON SEQUENCE-COVERING mssc-IMAGES OF LOCALLY SEPARABLE METRIC SPACESNguyen Van DungMathematics Faculty, Dongthap University, Caolanh City, Dongthap Province, VietnamAbstract: We characterize sequence-covering (resp., 1-sequence-covering,\linebreak 2-sequence-covering) mssc-images of locally separable metric spaces by means of $\sigma$-locally finite $cs$-networks (resp., $sn$-networks, $so$-networks) consisting of $\aleph_0$-spaces (resp., $sn$-second countable spaces, $so$-second countable spaces). As the applications, we get characterizations of certain sequence-covering, quotient mssc-images of locally separable metric spaces. Keywords: mssc-mapping, sequence-covering, 1-sequence-covering, 2-sequence-covering, $\sigma$-locally finite, $cs$-network, $sn$-network, $so$-network Classification (MSC2000): 54E35, 54E40; 54D55, 54E99 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 20 Apr 2010. This page was last modified: 14 May 2010.
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