Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, Nouvelle Série Vol. 87(101), pp. 139–142 (2010) |
A NOTE ON SUNS IN CONVEX METRIC SPACEST. D. Narang and SangeetaDepartment of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India and Department of Mathematics, Amardeep Singh Shergill, Memorial College, Mukandpur, IndiaAbstract: We prove that in a convex metric space $(X,d)$, an existence set $K$ having a lower semi continuous metric projection is a $\delta$-sun and in a complete $M$-space, a Chebyshev set $K$ with a continuous metric projection is a $\gamma$-sun as well as almost convex. Keywords: Convex metric space, sun, proximinal set, Chebyshev set, almost convex set and lower semi continuous metric projection Classification (MSC2000): 41A65 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 20 Apr 2010. This page was last modified: 14 May 2010.
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