Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 5 (1999), Issue 2, Pages 173-192
The mixed problem for the Helmholtz equation in the exterior of several bodies (obstacles) is studied in 2 and 3 dimensions. The Dirichlet boundary condition is given on some obstacles and the impedance boundary condition is specified on the rest. The problem is investigated by a special modification of the boundary integral equation method. This modification can be called ‘Method of interior boundaries’, because
additional boundaries are introduced inside scattering bodies, where impedance
boundary condition is given. The solution of the problem is obtained in the form of
potentials on the whole boundary. The density in the potentials satisfies the uniquely
solvable Fredholm equation of the second kind and can be computed by standard
codes. In fact our method holds for any positive wave numbers. The Neumann,
Dirichlet, impedance problems and mixed Dirichlet–Neumann problem are particular
cases of our problem.