A statistical approach for the treatment of turbulence data generated
by computer simulations is presented. A model for compressible flows
at large Reynolds numbers and low Mach numbers is used for
simulating a backward-facing step airflow. A scaling analysis has
justified the commonly used assumption that the internal energy
transport due to turbulent velocity fluctuations and the work done
by the pressure field are the only relevant mechanisms needed to
model subgrid-scale flows. From the numerical simulations, the
temporal series of velocities are collected for ten different
positions in the flow domain, and are statistically treated. The
statistical approach is based on probability averages of the flow
quantities evaluated over several realizations of the simulated
flow. We look at how long of a time average is necessary to obtain
well-converged statistical results. For this end, we evaluate the
mean-square difference between the time average and an ensemble
average as the measure of convergence. This is an interesting
question since the validity of the ergodic hypothesis is implicitly
assumed in every turbulent flow simulation and its analysis. The
ergodicity deviations from the numerical simulations are compared
with theoretical predictions given by scaling arguments. A very good
agreement is observed. Results for velocity fluctuations, normalized
autocorrelation functions, power spectra, probability density
distributions, as well as skewness and flatness coefficients are
also presented.