For an arbitrary polynomial Pn(z)=∏1n(z−zj) with the sum of all zeros equal to zero, ∑1nzj=0, the quadratic mean radius is defined by
Schoenberg conjectured that the quadratic mean radii of Pn and Pn satisfy
R(P′n)≤n−2n−1R(Pn),where equality holds if and only if the zeros all lie on a straight line through the origin in
the complex plane (this includes the simple case when all zeros are real) and proved this
conjecture for n=3 and for polynomials of the form zn+akzn−k.
It is the purpose of this paper to prove the conjecture for three other classes of polynomials. One of these classes reduces for a special choice of the parameters to a previous extension due to the second and third authors.