International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 28 (2001), Issue 11, Pages 679-684

A new inequality for a polynomial

K.K. Dewan , Harish Singh and R.S. Yadav

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, India


Let p(z)=a0+j=tnajzj be a polynomial of degree n, having no zeros in |z|<k, k1 then it has been shown that for R>1 and |z|=1, |p(Rz)p(z)|(Rn1)(1+AtBtKt+1)/(1+kt+1+AtBt(kt+1+k2t))max|z|=1|p(z)|{1(1+AtBtkt+1)/(1+kt+1+AtBt(kt+1+k2t))}((Rn1)m/kn), where m=min|z|=k|p(z)|, 1t<n, At=(Rt1)/(Rn1), and Bt=|at/a0|. Our result generalizes and improves some well-known results.