International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 23 (2000), Issue 1, Pages 69-76
Random trilinear forms and the Schur multiplication of tensors
Ibrahim Almasri1
, Jinlu Li2
and Andrew Tonge3
1College of Engineering and Technology, The West Bank, Hebron, Palestinian Authority
2Mathematics Department, Shawnee State University, Portsmouth 45662, OH, USA
3Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent 44242, OH, USA
We obtain estimates for the distribution of the norm of the random trilinear form A:ℓrM×ℓpN×ℓqK→ℂ, defined by A(ei,ej,ek)=aijk, where the aijk's are uniformly bounded, independent, mean zero random variables. As an application, we make progress on the problem when ℓr⊗⌣ℓp⊗⌣ℓq is a Banach algebra under the Schur multiplication.