International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 23 (2000), Issue 1, Pages 11-20
Nonlinear variational evolution inequalities in Hilbert spaces
Jin-Mun Jeong1
, Doo-Hoan Jeong2
and Jong-Yeoul Park3
1Division of Mathematical Sciences, Pukyong National University, Pusan 608-737, Korea
2Dongeui Technical Junior College, Pusan 614-053, Korea
3Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-739, Korea
The regular problem for solutions of the nonlinear functional differential equations with a nonlinear hemicontinuous and coercive operator A and a nonlinear term f(.,.):x′(t)+Ax(t)+∂ϕ(x(t))∋f(t,x(t))+h(t) is studied. The existence, uniqueness, and a variation of solutions of the equation are given.