International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 19 (1996), Issue 4, Pages 633-636
Asymptotic tracts of harmonic functions. III
Karl F. Barth1
and David A. Brannan2
1Department of Mathematics, Syracuse University, Syracuse 13244, NY, USA
2The Open University, Department of Pure Mathematics, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
A tract (or asymptotic tract) of a real function u harmonic and nonconstant in the complex plane 𝒞 is one of the nc components of the set {z:u(z)≠c}, and the order of a tract is the number of non-homotopic curves from any given point to ∞ in the tract. The authors prove that if u(z) is an entire harmonic polynomial of degree n, if the critical points of any of its analytic completions f lie on the level sets τj={z:u(z)=cj}, where 1≤j≤p and p≤n−1, and if the total order of all the critical points of f on τj is denoted by σj, then {nc:c∈ℜ}={n+1}∪{n+1+σj:1≤j≤p}.