Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 7 (2002), Issue 6, Pages 295-322
On coincidence index for multivalued perturbations of nonlinear Fredholm maps and some applications
Valeri Obukhovskii1
, Pietro Zecca2
and Victor Zvyagin1
1Department of Mathematics, Voronezh University, Voronezh 394 006, Russia
2Dipartimento di Energetica “S. Stecco”, Università di Firenze, Firenze 50139, Italy
We define a nonoriented coincidence index for a compact, fundamentally restrictible, and condensing multivalued perturbations of a map which is nonlinear Fredholm of nonnegative index on the set of coincidence points. As an application, we consider an optimal controllability problem for a system governed by a second-order integro-differential equation.