Three positive solutions to initial-boundary value problems of nonlinear delay differential equations
Yuming Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P. R. China E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., No. 14. (2009), pp. 1-11.
Patricia J. Y. Wong, Nanyang Technological University, Jurong, Singapore
Communicated by J. R. Graef. | Received on 2008-11-21 Appeared on 2009-03-21 |
Abstract: In this paper, we consider the existence of triple positive solutions to the boundary value problem of nonlinear delay differential equation
\left\{ \begin{array}{lll}
(\phi(x'(t)))^{\prime} + a(t)f(t,x(t),x'(t),x_{t})=0, \ \ 0 < t<1,\\
where $\phi: \R \rightarrow \R$ is an increasing homeomorphism and positive homomorphism with $\phi(0)=0,$ and $x_t$ is a function in $C([-\tau,0],\R)$ defined by $x_{t}(\sigma)=x(t+\sigma)$ for $ -\tau \leq \sigma\leq 0.$ By using a fixed-point theorem in a cone introduced by Avery and Peterson, we provide sufficient conditions for the existence of triple positive solutions to the above boundary value problem. An example is also presented to demonstrate our result. The conclusions in this paper essentially extend and improve the known results.
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