28. Orr Shalit and Baruch Solel Subproduct Systems Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 801--868 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 126k, dvi 317k, ps.gz 934k, pdf 567k 27. Toby Gee The Sato-Tate Conjecture for Modular Forms of Weight 3 Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 771--800 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 63k, dvi 147k, ps.gz 734k, pdf 308k 26. Marc A. Nieper-Wißkirchen Twisted Cohomology of the Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 749--770 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 42k, dvi 98k, ps.gz 662k, pdf 225k 25. Christian Schlichtkrull Thom Spectra that Are Symmetric Spectra Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 699--748 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 91k, dvi 227k, ps.gz 851k, pdf 431k 24. Finnur Lárusson Affine Simplices in Oka Manifolds Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 691--697 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 15k, dvi 31k, ps.gz 553k, pdf 105k 23. Christian Miebach, Karl Oeljeklaus On Proper R-Actions on Hyperbolic Stein Surfaces Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 673--689 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 35k, dvi 80k, ps.gz 642k, pdf 201k 22. Benedictus Margaux Vanishing of Hochschild Cohomology for Affine Group Schemes and Rigidity of Homomorphisms between Algebraic Groups Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 653--672 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 42k, dvi 100k, ps.gz 1008k, pdf 232k 21. Gelu Popescu Hyperbolic Geometry on Noncommutative Balls Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 595--651 Abstract 4k, dvi.gz 95k, dvi 277k, ps.gz 957k, pdf 470k 20. Niko Naumann, Markus Spitzweck, Paul Arne Østvær Motivic Landweber Exactness Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 551--593 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 75k, dvi 190k, ps.gz 845k, pdf 370k 19. Balmer and Calmès Geometric Description of the Connecting Homomorphism for Witt Groups Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 525--550 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 67k, dvi 210k, ps.gz 662k, pdf 324k 18. Moshe Jarden and Florian Pop Function Fields of One Variable over PAC Fields Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 517--523 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 15k, dvi 31k, ps.gz 373k, pdf 94k 17. Rupert L. Frank, Heinz Siedentop, and Simone Warzel The Energy of Heavy Atoms According to Brown and Ravenhall: The Scott Correction Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 463--516 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 92k, dvi 235k, ps.gz 792k, pdf 429k 16. Mark Kisin and Wei Ren Galois Representations and Lubin-Tate Groups Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 441--461 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 43k, dvi 106k, ps.gz 917k, pdf 245k 15. Yichao Tian $p$-Adic Monodromy of the Universal Deformation of a HW-Cyclic Barsotti-Tate Group Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 397--440 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 100k, dvi 241k, ps.gz 954k, pdf 453k 14. David Gepner and Victor Snaith On the Motivic Spectra Representing Algebraic Cobordism and Algebraic K-Theory Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 359--396 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 67k, dvi 173k, ps.gz 967k, pdf 327k 13. J. M. Douglass and G. Röhrle Homology of the Steinberg Variety and Weyl Group Coinvariants Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 339--357 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 40k, dvi 105k, ps.gz 740k, pdf 210k 12. Matthias Huber Spectral Analysis of Relativistic Atoms -- Dirac Operators with Singular Potentials Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 297--338 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 77k, dvi 208k, ps.gz 783k, pdf 440k 11. Jonas Bergström Equivariant Counts of Points of the Moduli Spaces of Pointed Hyperelliptic Curves Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 259--296 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 79k, dvi 198k, ps.gz 1052k, pdf 388k 10. Christopher Skinner A note on the $p$-adic Galois representations attached to Hilbert modular forms Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 241--258 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 45k, dvi 100k, ps.gz 890k, pdf 254k 9. Marianne Akian, Stéphane Gaubert, and Cormac Walsh The Max-Plus Martin Boundary Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 195--240 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 98k, dvi 322k, ps.gz 697k, pdf 501k 8. Jan Nekovár Erratum for «On the Parity of Ranks of Selmer Groups III» cf. Documenta Math. 12 (2007), 243--274 Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 191--194 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 7k, dvi 16k, ps.gz 535k, pdf 77k 7. Daniel Lenz, Peter Stollmann, Ivan Veselic´ The Allegretto-Piepenbrink Theorem for Strongly Local Dirichlet Forms Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 167--189 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 44k, dvi 100k, ps.gz 852k, pdf 244k 6. Sebastian Neumann Rationally Connected Foliations on Surfaces Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 157--165 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 16k, dvi 34k, ps.gz 527k, pdf 125k 5. Matthias Huber Spectral Analysis of Relativistic Atoms -- Interaction with the Quantized Radiation Field Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 115--156 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 66k, dvi 211k, ps.gz 851k, pdf 456k 4. Ajay C. Ramadoss On the Nonexistence of Certain Morphisms from Grassmannian to Grassmannian in Characteristic $0$ Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 67--113 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 85k, dvi 214k, ps.gz 933k, pdf 391k 3. Mark L. MacDonald Projective Homogeneous Varieties Birational to Quadrics Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 47--66 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 46k, dvi 110k, ps.gz 732k, pdf 242k 2. Dennis Gaitsgory and David Nadler Hecke Operators on Quasimaps into Horospherical Varieties Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 19--46 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 46k, dvi 132k, ps.gz 701k, pdf 258k 1. Jaya NN Iyer, Stefan Müller--Stach Chow--Künneth Decomposition for Some Moduli Spaces Documenta Math. 14 (2009) 1--18 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 32k, dvi 72k, ps.gz 521k, pdf 179kTotal data: Abstracts: 61 k, dvi.gz: 1649 k, dvi: 4285 k, ps.gz: 21665 k, pdf: 8546 , total: 14541 k
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