21. Dimitar P. Jetchev, William A. Stein Visibility of the Shafarevich--Tate Group at Higher Level Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 673--696 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 49k, dvi 116k, ps.gz 966k, pdf 282k 20. Florian Ivorra Réalisation ell-Adique des Motifs Triangulés Géométriques I Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 607--671 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 180k, dvi 523k, ps.gz 1189k, pdf 632k 19. William A. Stein Visibility of Mordell-Weil Groups Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 587--606 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 41k, dvi 144k, ps.gz 851k, pdf 240k 18. Alexander Pushnitski and Grigori Rozenblum Eigenvalue Clusters of the Landau Hamiltonian in the Exterior of a Compact Domain Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 569--586 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 31k, dvi 73k, ps.gz 586k, pdf 176k 17. Indranil Biswas and Johannes Huisman Rational Real Algebraic Models of Topological Surfaces Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 549--567 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 35k, dvi 87k, ps.gz 695k, pdf 194k 16. Igor Wigman Erratum Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 547--548 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 3k, dvi 5k, ps.gz 346k, pdf 41k 15. Pierre Guillot Geometric Methods for Cohomological Invariants Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 521--545 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 48k, dvi 115k, ps.gz 807k, pdf 248k 14. Esfandiar Nava Yazdani Generic Observability of Dynamical Systems Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 505--520 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 30k, dvi 69k, ps.gz 763k, pdf 220k 13. Karim Johannes Becher, Detlev W. Hoffmann Isotropy of Quadratic Spaces in Finite and Infinite Dimension Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 473--504 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 59k, dvi 143k, ps.gz 610k, pdf 286k 12. Alexander Schmidt Rings of Integers of Type $K(,1)$ Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 441--471 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 55k, dvi 140k, ps.gz 917k, pdf 302k 11. Lionel Dorat G-Structures Entières et Modules de Wach Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 399--440 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 99k, dvi 253k, ps.gz 871k, pdf 440k 10. Richard Hill Construction of Eigenvarieties in Small Cohomological Dimensions for Semi-Simple, Simply Connected Groups Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 363--397 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 50k, dvi 133k, ps.gz 659k, pdf 270k 9. Kiran S. Kedlaya Erratum for «Slope Filtrations Revisited» Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 361--362 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 5k, dvi 8k, ps.gz 387k, pdf 49k 8. Christian Voigt Equivariant Local Cyclic Homology and the Equivariant Chern-Connes Character Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 313--359 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 91k, dvi 231k, ps.gz 840k, pdf 411k 7. Jean Fasel The Chow-Witt ring Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 275--312 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 64k, dvi 171k, ps.gz 584k, pdf 334k 6. Jan Nekovár On the Parity of Ranks of Selmer Groups III Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 243--274 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 55k, dvi 137k, ps.gz 762k, pdf 294k 5. V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek and G. K. Sankaran The Hirzebruch-Mumford Volume for the Orthogonal Group and Applications Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 215--241 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 46k, dvi 109k, ps.gz 663k, pdf 255k 4. Gonçalo Tabuada On the Structure of Calabi-Yau Categories with a Cluster Tilting Subcategory Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 193--213 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 38k, dvi 93k, ps.gz 803k, pdf 213k 3. Andreas Langer and Thomas Zink De Rham-Witt Cohomology and Displays Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 147--191 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 74k, dvi 194k, ps.gz 903k, pdf 358k 2. Marc Levine Motivic Tubular Neighborhoods Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 71--146 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 146k, dvi 384k, ps.gz 1186k, pdf 635k 1. Benoît Collins, James A. Mingo, Piotr ´Sniady, Roland Speicher Second Order Freeness and Fluctuations of Random Matrices III. Higher order freeness and free cumulants Documenta Math. 12 (2007) 1--70 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 114k, dvi 306k, ps.gz 1135k, pdf 523kTotal data: Abstracts: 42 k, dvi.gz: 1313 k, dvi: 3434 k, ps.gz: 16523 k, pdf: 6403 , total: 11192 k
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