The manuscripts will be refereed by anonymous referees.
Accepted manuscripts will be published after the authors have transferred the right of distribution to DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA (copyright form). The manuscripts should be prepared by the authors by means of one of the following DOCUMENTA style files.
For this, please observe the following. The appropriate style file should be down-loaded to your computer and prepended to your manuscript. The hints given in the style file should also be observed. In particular, you have to fill in title, name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) as well as some other data into the style file. Alternatively, you can do this interactively here:
In the layout of the journal small capital fonts are used, which are named cmcsc*, cccsc* in TeX. If your local TeX installation does not have these you can down-load them by clicking at small capital fonts (.tar.gz, 823 K) . You have to install them afterwards. Here are the small capital fonts, uncompressed (.tar, 1045 K). .
Here is an example as a dvi file and as a TeX file for any style
The manuscript should contain an abstract with appropriate Mathematical Subject Classifications 2000 The abstract can also be submitted separately as an HTML file, it may contain hyper-links.
Accepted manuscripts will be posted on this server as dvi and postscript files, the abstracts will be posted as HTML files. The published manuscripts will be submitted to the reviewing journals.
© 1996-2010 Ulf Rehmann