At this place you can build the TeX prologue for your Documenta manuscript. After editing the necessary data (title, author(s) etc.) below you will obtain a TeX file which should be prepended to your manuscript in order to format it as required by Documenta Mathematica. All entries on this page have to be in TeX format.

After clicking at  you get your TeX prologue
After clicking at  your entries will be canceled.

TeX version (please click for other options):

The entered text below may be larger than the field
itself. You also may leave some or all entries blank.

Title (line breaks will be recognized): 

Short running title (one line, for odd numbered pages; 
if this is left blank, the above title entry
will be taken instead):

Subtitle (for dedications and similar)

Author(s) (footnotes containing acknowledgments are
allowed here, choose \rm font for footnote text):

Author's short form (one line, running title for even
numbered pages; if this is left blank, the above author
entry will be used instead):

Abstract (MSC classification at the end, separated
by a blank line):

Address(es) (one field for every author, lines should not be
much longer than the space given by the field width; please 
start with field 1, then field 2 and so on):

 1.                              2.

 3.                              4.

		   More than four authors.

After clicking at  you get your TeX prologue
After clicking at  your entries will be cancelled.

© 1996-2010 Ulf Rehmann