
In our daily life and profession usage of mathematics grows in many respects, so as well mathematical education becomes more and more important.

Research in mathematics education has two main purposes: First to understand the nature of mathematical thinking, teaching, and learning, and second to use such knowledge in practice for learning and teaching mathematics. In Europe mathematics education research is also known as "didactics of mathematics". Other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and philosophy are involved with it. Recreational and popular mathematics is also referenced here.

Mathematics Education Subject Classification (MESC)

Detailed subject information gives the Mathematics Education Subject Classification (MESC) used by our database MathEduc; each subject is subdivided into parts for:
pre-school education, 1st to 4th year of school, 4st to 10th year of school, 11th to 13th year of school, universities, colleges, special schools, vocational schools, adult education and teacher training:


Here are some glossaries covering terms which are relevant in mathematical education:


Database MathEduc
The bibliographic database MathEduc contains about 120,000 entries regarding mathematics education and computer science education. The major subjects are: research in mathematics or computer science education, instruction from elementary school to university teaching and adult education, elementary mathematics, recreational and popular mathematics, pedagogical and psychological aspects in mathematics education, computer science education and information technology.
Sample searches in mathematics education:

  • Learning theories → MathEduc
  • Teaching methods → MathEduc
  • Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) and education → MathEduc
  • Mathematical models i.e. in the arts → MathEduc
  • Comparative study: Pisa → MathEduc

Journals and Serials covering Aspects of Mathematics Education
The database MathEduc covers about 500 journals and serials worldwide, books, conference papers and dissertations, teacher manuals, syllabuses, curricula, audiovisual media, teaching aids, games, software and software manuals.
Journals and Serials

Mathematics Education in ZBMATH
The bibliographic database ZBMATH contains about 1,000 entries with first or second classification "97-XX, Mathematics education". 1300 documents are classified according "00A35, Methodology of mathematics, didactics". Mathematical education articles and books also might be searched with the keywords "education* or "pedagog*" or "didactic*" (about 7,000 entries). Furthermore for each mathematical subject instructional expositions are classified according yy-01 (for example: yy=03 Logic, yy=05 Combinatorics, etc.)
Sample searches:

  • Educational Policy and educational systems → ZBMATH
  • Psychology of and research in mathematics education → ZBMATH
  • Education and instruction in mathematics → ZBMATH
  • Education material and media → ZBMATH
  • Textbooks for Sequences or Series → ZBMATH
  • Textbooks for Probability → ZBMATH

Older Material for Mathematics Education
The bibliographic database JFM contains the chapter "Pädagogik" from 1868 to 1935. Please use the advanced menu for searching this subject heading.
Search in JFM

Digital Library of Education Literature


The European Mathematical Society is engaged in the three projects dealing with Mathematics Education:

Departments with Topic Mathematics Education

Societies or Institutions

We gathered internet sources valuable for those who are interested in more projects, teaching and learning resources, competitions, museums and popular mathematics

European and International Mirror Servers

The EMIS services are available from a number of mirror sites (currently about 40) that replicate the whole contents of the server.