July-September, 2002
Volume 4, Issue 3
Issue is dedicated to 90th anniversary of XX century oustanding mathematician Aleksandr Danilovich Alexandrov

Article (rus.) - [pdf] [zip-pdf]
This talk presents the unpublished articles by O. A. Ladyzhenskaya, Yu. G. Reshetnyak, and V. A. Zalgaller concerning the nomination of A. D. Alexandrov for the Wolf Prize in 1995.
Article (eng.) - [pdf] [zip-pdf]
Article (rus.) - [pdf] [zip-pdf]
Article (rus.) - [pdf] [zip-pdf]
Article (rus.) - [pdf] [zip-pdf]
The functional-analytical approach by A. D. Alexandrov is discussed to the Minkowski and Blaschke structures making the set of convex compact figures into a vector space. The resulting analytical
possibilities are illustrated by the isoperimetric type problems of finding convex figures separated
by current hyperplanes similar to the Urysohn and double bubble problems.
Article (eng.) - [pdf] [zip-pdf]