Proceedings of the Workshop
“Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Design”
(July 18–30, 2010, Benasque, Spain)
The Guest Editors for this special issue are
Alexander Andrianov (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain and Saint Petersburg State University, Russia)
Véronique Hussin (Université de Montréal, Canada)
Javier Negro (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
Luismi Nieto (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
Andrei Smilga (Université de Nantes, France)
Topics for this special issue will include:
developments in construction of (almost) isospectral quantum systems by SUSY algebra methods (spectral design);
hidden dynamical symmetries, nonlinear SUSY and spectrum generating algebras;
superintegrable SUSY QM;
position-dependent mass and SUSY;
SUSY: decaying states and resonances;
Darboux transformations and SUSY techniques in non-linear equations;
non-hermitian and PT symmetric SUSY QM and exceptional points;
SUSY coherent states and entanglement;
SUSY WKB and SUSY classical mechanics;
SUSY QM on moduli spaces of SUSY field theories;
conformal and fractal SUSY QM;
SUSY in low-dimensional integrable systems.
Papers from the participants and from other authors whose work fits into the topic of the workshop
are welcome for this issue.
How to Submit an Article to the Issue.
The length of an article is not limited. Deadline for paper submission is November 30, 2010.
Publication will be done only on the results of the peer review according to
refereeing policy of SIGMA.
If you have your paper ready earlier than the deadline, we encourage
you to send it now. We will start the reviewing process and publish the paper
as soon as the positive publication decision is made. The paper will be indexed in
the relevant databases as soon as it is published without waiting for
completion of the special issue.
Papers in this Issue:
Supersymmetrical Separation of Variables in Two-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics
Mikhail V. Ioffe
SIGMA 6 (2010), 075, 10 pages [ abs
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