SIGMA is a refereed online open access journal for publication of papers in the following areas:
Editors Editor: Anatoly Nikitin (Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine) Associate Editors: Vyacheslav Boyko, Roman Popovych, Iryna Yehorchenko, Alexander Zhalij Executive Assistant: Vira Pobyzh SIGMA is owned, operated and funded by researchers of the Department of Applied Research, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 3 Tereshchenkivs'ka Street, Kyiv 4, 01601 Ukraine Editorial Board Mark Ablowitz (University of Colorado, USA)Mark Adler (Brandeis University, USA) Alexander Andrianov (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia) Paolo Aschieri (E. Fermi Centre, Rome and University Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy) Martin Bojowald (Pennsylvania State University, USA) Richard Borcherds (University of California, Berkeley, USA) Francesco Calogero (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy) James Carlson (Clay Mathematics Institute and University of Utah, USA) Peter Clarkson (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK) Edward Corrigan (University of York, UK) Boris Dubrovin (International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy) Charles Dunkl (University of Virginia, USA) Michael Eastwood (University of Adelaide, Australia) László Fehér (Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest and University of Szeged, Hungary) Athanassios Fokas (University of Cambridge, UK) Allan Fordy (University of Leeds, UK) Stavros Garoufalidis (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA) Basile Grammaticos (Université Paris VII, France) Harald Grosse (University of Vienna, Austria) Rod Gover (University of Auckland, New Zealand) Johannes Huebschmann (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France) Jacques Hurtubise (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) Niky Kamran (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) Boris Khesin (University of Toronto, Canada) Evgueni Khruslov (Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics, Kharkiv, Ukraine) Anatol Kirillov (Kyoto University, Japan) Tom Koornwinder (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach (École Polytechnique, France) Alan Kostelecky (Indiana University, USA) Petr Kulish (Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St.Petersburg, Russia) Giovanni Landi (University of Trieste, Italy) Jerzy Lukierski (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Robert Mann (University of Waterloo, Canada) Alexander Mikhailov (University of Leeds, UK) Willard Miller, Jr. (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) Robert Minlos (Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russia) Robert Moody (University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada) Mikhail Olshanetsky (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia) Peter Olver (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) Jiri Patera (Centre de recherches mathematiques, Montreal, Canada) Orlando Ragnisco (Universita di Roma 3, Italy) Pierre Ramond (University of Florida, USA) Tudor Ratiu (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) Carlo Rovelli (Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy, Marseille, France) Simon Ruijsenaars (University of Leeds and Loughborough University, UK) Vadim Schechtman (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) Israel Michael Sigal (University of Toronto, Canada) Andrei Smilga (Universite de Nantes, France) Daniel Sternheimer (Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France and Keio University, Yokohama, Japan) Richard Szabo (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK) Kanehisa Takasaki (Kyoto University, Japan) Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College, London, UK and Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia) Alexander Varchenko (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) Erik Verlinde (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Pavel Winternitz (Centre de recherches mathematiques, Montreal, Canada) Authors who wish to have their manuscript handled by a specific member of the Editorial Board should so notify the Editorial Office at the time of submission. How to Submit an Article Submitting a paper to the journal can be performed in two easy ways:
Please indicate in your submission if your paper is intended for a specific special issue of SIGMA. If within two working days you have not received a confirmation that we have received your paper, please resend it to our alternative address The length of an article is not limited. We are accepting only two submissions per author, per year. The average time of the paper processing, from submission of the paper to appearing of the paper on the journal's web site is 2-3 months, but this essentially depends on the subject and length of the article, so in some cases this time can be longer. The papers are considered for publication if they have not been published previously and are not submitted for publication elsewhere. Paper Evaluation Criteria SIGMA has two article styles: regular article and review article.
Manuscripts submitted as regular articles are expected to be
Review articles are welcome too.
Review articles are critical evaluations of material that has already
been published. By organizing, integrating and evaluating previously
published material, the author of a review article considers the
progress of current research toward clarifying a problem. In a sense,
a review article is tutorial in that the author Refereeing Papers for SIGMA All the papers submitted to SIGMA are sent for refereeing to at least 2 experts in the specific areas for evaluation according to the above criteria. These referees can either review the papers themselves or recommend other referee(s). To ensure comprehensive refereeing and to avoid conflicts of interest we choose the referees having in mind:
We strive to ensure adequate refereeing and selection process. At the moment around 60 percent of the submitted papers are declined, most of the accepted papers have been corrected in accordance with referees' recommendations. We monitor any possibilities for conflict of interest at selection of the referees, but ask to inform us if such conflict arises. Please contact the Editors for any questions about the editorial process and our refereeing policy.
Special thematic issues in SIGMA SIGMA welcomes proposals from potential Guest Editors for special thematic issues of the journal, in particular conference/workshop proceedings, issues for anniversaries, etc. We would like to stress that all papers in the special issues should be original: they should not be simply reviews of authors' own work that is already published elsewhere. Publication will be done only on the results of the peer review according to regular refereeing rules of SIGMA (see the items above). If you have any ideas for special issue in SIGMA, please contact us for further consideration. SIGMA is arXiv overlay That means that all published articles in the journal have been contributed or will be contributed to the arXiv. In addition, SIGMA web site has hyperlinks to arXiv copies. You can also search or browse SIGMA articles within the arXiv, for example by following this link. As a consequence of the overlay arrangement, SIGMA shares the commitment of the arXiv itself to remain permanently and freely available on the Internet. If a paper accepted for publication is already in the arXiv, the author should give to the Editors both the paper number and the password so that we can replace it with the typeset version. Indexing & Abstracting SIGMA is covered by following indexing and abstracting databases:
Copyright Issues The authors retain ownership of the copyright with respect to their papers published in SIGMA under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. |
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