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Surveys in Approximation Theory (SAT), as the name suggests, is a solely WWW-based collection of surveys in the area of approximation theory. These surveys are offered as a free service to the scientific community.

This collection of surveys in aproximation theory and associated material is meant for the present and future mathematical community. It is an attempt to present our subject in an accessible, organized and open fashion. Survey articles will be regularly solicited. These surveys are directed at the graduate student level and beyond.

Mathematical writing is ineffective if it is not communicated, and scholarly enterprise rests on the free exchange of ideas. This collection will be freely accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. There are no page charges for authors and no subscription fees for users. In addition, it is our aim that these articles will be searchable, navigable and retrievable. To ensure its long-term availability and relevance, it will be properly archived and updated. To make citing a survey valid over time, its original version will be available alongside any subsequent versions.

SAT is not meant as a first-publication journal, nor a collection of electronic monographs or textbooks. Instead, these survey articles are meant to review a topic while citing, explaining and assessing the most relevant, important and interesting aspects of the topic. In this manner, it is hoped that SAT will provide a valuable and unique service to the approximation theory and mathematical community. Articles may be broad or narrow in scope. The essential requirements are a well specified topic, together with clear exposition.

SAT will be organized into yearly volumes. Articles will appear as they are ready. All articles will be peer reviewed (refereed). Peer reviewing is essential in the maintainance of high standards. No attempt will be made to speed up the refereeing process at the cost of quality. Authors are encouraged to use the suggested technical format (template). A degree of uniformity will permit us to more easily upgrade to newer technologies.

Carl de Boor, Allan Pinkus, Vilmos Totik