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![]() Vol. 82(96), pp. 17–23 (2007) |
RELEVANT CATEGORIES AND PARTIAL FUNCTIONSKosta Dosen and Zoran PetricMathematicki Institut SANU, Knez Mihailova 35, 11001 Beograd p.p. 367, SerbiaAbstract: A relevant category is a symmetric monoidal closed category with a diagonal natural transformation that satisfies some coherence conditions. Every cartesian closed category is a relevant category in this sense. The denomination \emph{relevant} comes from the connection with relevant logic. It is shown that the category of sets with partial functions, which is isomorphic to the category of pointed sets, is a category that is relevant, but not cartesian closed. Keywords: symmetric monoidal closed categories; diagonal natural transformation; intuitionistic relevant logic; partial functions; pointed sets Classification (MSC2000): 03B47; 03F52, 03G30, 18D10, 18D15 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 20 Feb 2008. This page was last modified: 26 Feb 2008.
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