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![]() Vol. 37(51), pp. 43--49 (1985) |
Algorithmic problems related to the direct prodict of groupsNata\v sa Bo\v zovi\'c and Sava Krsti\'cMatemati\v cki fakultet, Beograd, Yugoslavia and Matemati\v cki institut SANU, Beograd, YugoslaviaAbstract: Algorithmic unrecognizability of every group property from classes $\Cal K'_1$ and $\Cal K'_2$ of properties (of $fp$ groups) related to the direct product of groups, is proved. $\Cal K'_1$ is the class of all properties of the form ``being a direct product of groups with Markov properties''. $\Cal K_2$ is the class of properties $P=S\cup T$, where $S$ is a property of universal $fp$ groups only and $T$ is a property of nonuniversal groups, such that there exists a positive integer $m$ for which $$ (\forall G\in S)d(G)\not=m\vee(\forall G\in T)d(G)\not=m, $$ where $d(G)=\sup\{k\mid(\exists H_1,\ldots, H_k\not=\{1\})(G\cong H_1\times\cdots\times H_k)\}$. Classification (MSC2000): 20F10 Full text of the article:
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 2 Nov 2001. This page was last modified: 16 Nov 2001.
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