Žarko Mijajlovic, Beograd
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique publishes papers
by Serbian and foreign mathematicians in all branches of pure and applied
mathematics. The new series of Publications continues the series formed by
Volumes I to XIV of Publications de l'Institut Mathématique de
l'Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts.
Two volumes appear annually. "Publications" is distributed mainly through exchange and is sent to institutions and scientific societies willing to send in exchange
other publications to the Mathematical Institute.
There are no publication charges and the authors receive 20 offprints.
Access to the EMIS Electronic edition of this
journal is free. The print version is available for subscription by the
the Mathematical Institute of SANU who also hosts the
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique Homepage.
The annual subscriptions rate is EUR100.
For foreign subscriptions write to
Kubon & Sagner.
© 1980–2010 Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2000–2010 FIZ Karlsruhe /
Zentralblatt MATH for the EMIS Electronic Edition