The Nexus Network Journal is an Amazon.com Associate! Books in the NNJ Virtual Library that are available from Amazon.com have been linked to their page. Just click on the linked titles for more information.
New in the Virtual Library for Spring 2005:
![]() but that is new in the NNJ Virtual library Ackerman, James S. Distance Points: Essays in Theory and Renaissance Art and Architecture. (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1991). Referenced in Lionel March's article, NNJ vol. 3 no. 4. Ackerman, James. Origins, Imitation, Conventions (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2002). Reviewed by Michael Chapman in the NNJ vol. 5 no. 1 Aicher, Otl. Analogous and Digital (Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 1994). Referenced in Marco Frascari's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 3. Alberti, Leon Battista. The Ten Books of Architecture, 1755. (Rpt. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1986). Referenced in Marco Frascari's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 3 and in Reza Sarghangi's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 3. Alberti, Leon Battista. L'architettura. Ed. and Italian trans. Giovanni Orlandi. Milan: Edizioni Il Polifilo, 1966. (Parallel Latin/Italian version of De re aedificatoria). Referenced in Branko Mitrovic's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004) Alberti, Leon Battista. On the Art of Building in Ten Books. Joseph Rykwert (Introduction), Robert Tavernor and Neil Leach, trans. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991). Referenced in Stephen Wassell's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Alexander, Christopher. A Pattern Language (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977). Referenced in Nikos Salingaros' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Alexander, Christopher. A Timeless Way of Building (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979). Referenced in Nikos Salingaros' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Artmann, Benno. Euclid: The Creation of Mathematics (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1999). This is the long awaited book by Benno Artmann, who presented a paper on the Cloisters of Hauterive at Nexus '96. Reviewed by Kim Williams in NNJ vol.2 no.1
Balmand, Cecil. Number Nine: The Search for the Sigma Code (Munich: Prestel,1999). Reviewed by Jay Kappraff in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 1 Barbaro, Daniele.I dieci libri dell'architettura tradotti et commentati. Facsimile of 2nd ed., Venice 1567. Milan: Il Polifilo, 1987. Referenced in Branko Mitrovic's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004) Barrallo, Javier (ed.). Mathematics and Design 98. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Design. (San Sebastian, Spain: Universidad del País Vasco, 1998). To order this book, send an e-mail to Javier Barrallo. Barratt, Krome. Logic and Design in Art, Science and Mathematics (Great Britain: The Herbert Press, 1989). Barrow, John D. The Artful Universe (Clarendon, 1996). Baglivo, J.A. and J. Graver. Incidence and Symmetry in Design and Architecture (Recommended by Jay Kappraff). Beck, Anatole, Michael Bleicher and Donald Crowe. Excursions in Mathematics. The Millennium Edition. A.K. Peters, Ltd. Referenced in Jay Kappraff's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Beckmann, Petr. A History of pi. (New York: The Golem Press, 1971). Referenced in Mark Reynolds' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Bennett, James A. The Mathematical Science of Christopher Wren. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982). Blackwell, William. Geometry and Architecture (Berkeley: Key Curriculum Press, 1984). Shows the occurrence and application of the basic geometrical forms in architectural designs. This book represents a lifelong fascination with the endless relationships of geometric forms and the continual discovery and reediscovery of their applications to architecture and design (Recommended by Carlo Sequin and Vera W. de Spinadel). Blaser, Werner. Werner Sobek: Art of Engineering.Ingenieur-kunst (Basel: Birkhauser,1999). Reviewed by Holger Falter in the NNJ vol. 1 (1999). Boesiger, Willy and Hans Girsberger . Le Corbusier 1910-65 (Basel: Birkhauser, 1999). Reviewed by Alessandra Capanna in the NNJ, vol. 2 no. 1. Boucher, Bruce. Andrea Palladio: The Architect in His Time (New York: Abbeville Press, 1994). Referenced in Stephen Wassell's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Bouleau, C. The Painter's Secret Geometry. (NewYork: Harcourt and Brace, 1963). out of print Bovill, Carl. Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design (Boston: Birkhauser, 1996; distributed by Springer-Verlag, New York). "My intention in this book was to explain the essence of fractal geometry to the design community. Many of the fractals can be drawn by hand and fractal rhythms for use in design can be derived from musical scores. This approach was taken to make the material more approachable. Much of the literature on fractal geometry is hidden behind computer programs or complex mathematical notation systems." (Comments by Carl Bovill, author.) Reviewed by Leonard K. Eaton in the NNJ vol. 1 (1999). Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol. 3 no. 1. Briggs, R. Geometry of Meaning (A.M. Young, 1984). Referenced in Adriana Rossi's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Brunès, Tons. The Secrets of Ancient Geometry and Its Use, 2 vols ( Copenhagen: Rhodos International Science Publishers, 1967). The founder of the Sacred Cut geometry. Burkert, Walter. Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. 1962). This title is out of print, but if you want to do a search for it, click here. Butler, Christopher. Number Symbolism (New York, 1970). This book is out of print. If you want to do a search for it, click here. Capanna, Alessandra. Le Corbusier. Padiglione Philips. Bruxelles. (Turin: Testo & Immagine, 2000). Reviewed by Maurizio Vianello in the NNJ vol.3 no. 1. Cassirer, Ernst. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965). Catalano, Eduardo. Structure and Geometry. (Cambridge: Cambridge Architectural Press, 1986). This is a bilingual book (English, Spanish), that shows part of the buildings designed by Catalano, an argentine architect who has lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, since 1951 (Recommended by Vera W. de Spinadel). Chambers, W. A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. London: Priestley and Weale, 1825. Referenced in Denise Andrey and Mirko Galli's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004) Chitham, Robert. The Classical Orders of Architecture (New York: Rizzoli, 1985). This classic text is no longer in print. If you want to do a search for it, click here. Clawson, C. Calvin. Mathematical Mysteries. The Beauty and Magic of Numbers (New York: Plenum Press, 1996). Referenced in Marco Frascari's article in the NNJ vol. 1 no.3. Cohen, Preston Scott. Contested Symmetries and Other Predicaments in Architecture. (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2001). Reviewed by Jin-Ho Park in the NNJ vol. 5 no. 1 Cook, Theodore Andrea. The Curves of Life, 1914 (rpt. New York: Dover Publications, 1979). Subtitle: "An Account of Spiral Formations and Their Application to Growth in Nature, to Science and to Art; with special reference to the Manuscripts of Leonardo Da Vinci." di Cristina, Giuseppe (ed.), Architecture and Science (London: Wiley-Academy, 2001). Reviewed by Michael Chapman in the NNJ vol. 4 no. 2. Critchlow, Keith. Islamic Patterns: An Analytical and Cosmological Approach (reprint, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992). Critchlow, Keith. Order in Space (New York: Viking Press, 1970; reprint, Thames and Hudson, 1990). Crouch, Dora P. and June G. Johnson, Traditions in Architecture: Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). Reviewed by William D. Sapp in the NNJ vol.3 no.4. Crowe, Donald W. and Dorothy K. Washburn. Symmetries of Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1988. Davis, Philip J. and Rueben Hersh. Descartes' Dream: The World According to Mathematics (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1986). No longer in print, but you can initiate a search for it by clicking here. Delgado, Francisco and Kim Williams (eds.) Nexus V: Architecture and Mathematics (Fucecchio, Florence: Kim Williams Books, 2004). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Devlin, Keith. Mathematics : The Science of Patterns : The Search for Order in Life, Mind and the Universe. Scientific American Paperback Library (W.H. Freeman, 1997). Dilke, O.A.W. Mathematics and Measurement. (Berkeley CA: University of California Press/British Museum, 1987). Referenced in Lionel March's article, NNJ vol. 3 no. 4. Doczi, Gyorgy. The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art & Architecture (Boulder: Shambala, 1981). Dodds, George and Robert Tavernor, eds. Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2002). Dunlap, Richard A. The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers. World Scientific Publishing, 1998. Dürer, Albrecht. The Painter's Manual: A Manual of Measurement of Lines, Areas and Solids by Means of Compass and Ruler. W. L. Strauss, ed. and trans. (New York: Abaris Books, 1977). Referenced in Lionel March's article, NNJ vol. 3 no. 4 and in Paul Rosin's article, NNJ vol.3 no.4. Eco, Umberto. Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988). Referenced in Marcello Spigaroli's article in the NNJ, vol. 1 no. 3 and in Nancy Wu's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Eco, Umberto, The Aesthetics of Thomas Acquinas (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988). .Referenced in Marcello Spigaroli's article in the NNJ, vol. 1 no. 3. Edgerton, Samuel Y. The Renaissance Rediscovery of Linear Perspective. out of print Edwards, Edward V. Pattern and Design with Dynamic Symmetry, 1932. (Rpt. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1967). "This book is probably the most successful and interesting practical application to emerge from the strikingly original theory of dynamic symmetry developed by Jay Hambidge" (Comments from the book's cover). Eglash, Ron . African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1999), 258 pp. Reviewed by Abdul Karim Bangura in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Ehrenkrantz, Ezra D. The Modular Number Pattern. (London: Alec Tiranti, 1956). Referenced in Lionel March's article, NNJ vol. 3 no. 4. El-Said, Issam, Tarek El-Bouri (Editor) and Keith Critchlow (Editor) Islamic Art and Architecture (Garnet Publishing, 1993.) Originally published in 1972 with the subtitle "The System of Geometric Design", the reprint is now available through Amazon.co.uk. Emmer, Michele (ed.) The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993). Erlande-Brandenburg, Alain. Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1995). Referenced in Mark Reynolds' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Euclid. The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, vol. 1, Sir Thomas Heath, ed., 2nd ed. (New York: Dover Books, 1956). Euclid. The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, vol. 2, Sir Thomas Heath, ed., 2nd ed. (New York: Dover Books, 1956). Euclid. The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, vol. 3, Sir Thomas Heath, ed., 2nd ed. (New York: Dover Books, 1956). Evans, Robin. The Projective Cast: Architecture and Its Three Geometries (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995). Referenced by Michael Ostwald in NNJ vol.2 no.2; Referenced by Michael Ostwald in NNJ vol. 3 no. 1 Evans, Robin. Translations from Drawing to Building. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997. Field, J.V. The Invention of Infinity: Mathematics and Art in the Renaissance. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). Reviewed by Mark Peterson in the NNJ vol.1 (1999). Field, Michael and Martin Golubitsky, Symmetry in Chaos: A Search for Pattern in Mathematics, Art and Nature (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992). Field, Michael and Martin Golubitsky. Chaotische Symmetrien, Micha Lotrovsky, trans. (Basel: Birkhauser, 1993). German translation of Symmetry in Chaos. Field, Michael and Martin Golubitsky. La Symetrie du Chaos, Christian Jeanmougin, trans. (Paris: Inter Editions, 1993). French translation of Symmetry in Chaos. Fomenko, Anatolii T. and Richard Lipkin, Mathematical Impressions (Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 1990). Foster, Richard. Patterns of Thought: The Hidden Meaning of the Great Pavement of Westminster Abbey (London: Jonathan Cape, 1991, ISBN 0-224-02910-X). Referenced in John Sharp's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Freedman, Richard and George L. Hersey. Possible Palladian Villas (Plus a Few Instructively Impossible Ones) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992). Friedberg, Richard. An Adventurer's Guide to Number Theory (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968). Referenced in Marco Frascari's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 3. Furnari, Michele. Formal Design in Renaissance Architecture: From Brunelleschi to Palladio (New York: Rizzoli, 1995). Gabriel, J. Francois, ed., Beyond the Cube: The Architecture of Space Frames and Polyhedra (New York: John Wiley, 1997). Referenced in George Hart's article, NNJ vol. 4 no. 2. Garland, Trudi Hammel . Math and Music (Palo Alto: Dale Seymour Publications, 1995). Referenced in Mark Reynolds' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Gast, Klaus-Peter. Le Corbusier: Paris -- Chandigarh. Birkhäuser, Basel, 2000. Reviewed by Steven Fleming and Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.3 no. 2. Gerdes, Paulus. Geometry From Africa. Mathematical and Educational Explorations. (Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 1999). Gerdes, Paulus. The Awakening of Geometrical Thought in Early Culture. Reviewed by Steven Fleming in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 1 (Spring 2004) Gheorghiu, V. and V. Dragomir, Geometry of Structural Forms (Elsevier, 1978). Referenced in Adriana Rossi's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Ghyka, Matila. The Geometry of Art and Life, 1946 (slightly corrected reproduction, New York: Dover Publications, 1977). The Author believes that there are such things as "the mathematics of Life" and "the Mathematics of Art" and that the two coincide. Using simple mathematical formulas...Prof. Ghyka shows the fascinating relationships between geometry, aesthetics, nature and the human body (Comments from the book's cover). Please be aware that Ghyka's work has been subject to severe criticism recently. (NNJ Reader's comment). Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. (New York: Penguin Books, 1988. Though I have heard this book criticized as oversimplified, I found it a very interesting introduction to chaos and fractals.The clear writing style is helpful, and more precise information may be gleaned from further reading (Comments by Kim Williams). Gombrich, Ernst Hans. The Sense of Order : A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. The Wrightsman Lectures, V. 9 (Phaidon Press, 1995). Grace, W. Geometry for Architects (Stipes Dover, 1975). Referenced in Adriana Rossi's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Grant, Lindy and Richard Mortimer, eds. Westminster Abbey: The Cosmati Pavements. Courtauld Institute Research Papers, 3. Ashgate Publishing, 2002. Reviewed by John Sharp in the NNJ vol. 5 no. 2 Groat, Linda and David Wang. Architectural Research Methods Reviewed by Kerry London and Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 1 (Spring 2004) Grunbaum, B. and G.C. Shepard. Tilings and Patterns. (W.H.Freeman, 1986). Guderian, Dietmar. Mathematik in der Kunst der letzten dreißig Jahre (Mathematics in the Art of the Last Thirty Years). (Edition Galerie Lahumière, 1990). The mathematical way of thinking has always had a profound influence on the artistic tendencies of man, both in painting and sculpture. this book, however, does not return to the beginnings of the relationship between mathematics and art but picks up from the last 30 years and concentrates on the art of the last decade up to the present (Recommended by Vera W. de Spinadel). Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan, Joscelyn Godwin and Diogenes Laertius. The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library. An Anthology of Ancient Writings Which Relate to Pythagoras and Pythagorean Philosophy (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Phanes Press) 1991. Hale,
Jonathan. The old way of seeing. How architecture lost its
magic (and how to get it back). (Boston, 1994).
This is a work everybody must
love. Hale is no precise scientist, but his wonderful intuition
- including the intrinsic feeling that intellect and intuition
must meet again in the centuries to come is challenging. I am
deeply convinced that future research will confirm Hambidge, Jay. The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry, 1948 (rpt. New York: Dover Publications, 1967). Part I contains the fundamental rectangles with their simple divisions based on the proportioning law found in nature; Part II the compound rectangles with their more subtle subdivisons, many of which were taken from or suggested by analysis of objects of Greek art. The elementary principles in Part I will give the student a working use of the idea. Much of Part II may be used for reference and for further study (From the book's Preface). Hancox, Joy . The Byrom Collection and the Globe Theatre Mystery (London: Jonathan Cape, 1997). Reviewed by John Sharp in the NNJ vol. 1 (1999). Hart, George W. and Henri Picciotto. Zome Geometry: Hands-on Learning with Zome Models. (Key Curriculum Press, 2001). Hargittai, István and Magdolna Hargittai. Symmetry: A Unifying Concept (Bolinas, California: Shelter Publications, 1994). A fascinating, highly-visual journey through the worlds of symmetry, with 550 photos and some 300 drawings. From Snowflakes to starfish, from dandelions to BMW's, from fences to Finonacci, and from crystals to Coke machines, this is a thought-provoking and stimulating display of visual imagery...describing 15 aspects of symmetry...It will help you train your eye and mind to see new patterns and make new connections (Recommended by Vera W. de Spinadel). Hargittai, István and Clifford Pickover, eds. Spiral Symmetry (World Scientific Publishing, 1992). Hastings, Harold, and George Sugihara. Fractals: A User's Guide for the Natural Sciences (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993). "This book has many different fractal analysis techniques defined with examples. Some of the examples demonstrate how to use fractal procedure with data sets that are not large. There are also some listed computer programs that can be used" (Comments by Carl Bovill, author of Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design). Out of stock. Heilbron, J.L. The Sun in the Chuch. Cathedrals as Solar Observatories. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999. Reviewed by Paul Calter and Kim Williams in the NNJ vol.3 no. 2. Heilbron, J.L. Geometry Civilized: History, Culture and Technique. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998). Hersey, George L. Pythagorean Palaces: Magic and Architecture in the Italian Renaissance. out of print Hersey, George. The Monumental Impulse: Architecture's Biological Roots (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1999). Reviewed by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.4 no.4 Herz-Fischler, Roger. The Shape of the Great Pyramid. (Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2000). Reviewed by Mark A. Reynolds in the NNJ vol.3 no.4. Herz-Fischler, Roger. A Mathematical History of the Golden Number (New York: Dover Publications, 1998). Hildebrandt, Stefan and Anthony Tromba, The Parsimonious Universe: Shape and Form in the Natural World (Copernicus Books, 1996). Hiscock, Nigel. The Wise Master Builder: Platonic Geometry in Plans of Medieval Abbeys and Cathedrals. (Hampshire UK: Ashgate, 2000). Hockney, David. Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the lost techniques of the old masters (London: Thames and Hudson, 2001), 296 pp. Reviewed by David Vila Domini in the NNJ vol. 4 no. 4. Hofstadter, D.R. Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (New York: Basic Books, 1979). The new 1999 edition of this can be pre-ordered by clicking here. Huerta, Santiago, ed. Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History. 3 vols. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera, 2003. Huntley, H.E. The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty (New York: Dover Publications, 1970). "This is a delightful book to read....It wanders here and there through some of the most attractive byways of simple mathematics, returning always to the oddities and pleasures of the golden section" (Comments from the book's cover). Iamblichus, The Theology of Arithmetic, trans. Robin Waterfield (Grand Rapids, Michigan:Phanes Press, 1988). Ifrah, Georges. From One to Zero: a Universal History of Numbers (New York: John Wiley, 1999). Now back in print. Referenced by Michael Ostwald in NNJ vol.2 no.2. Itten, Johannes. Design and Form: The Basic Course at the Bauhaus and Later. (New York: John Wiley, 1975). Ivins, William M. Art and Geometry: A Study of Space Intuitions (New York: Dover Publications). Jablan, Slavik. Theory of Symmetry and Ornament. (Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Matematicki Institut, 1995). If you are interested in knowing more about this book, send an e-mail to Slavik Jablan. James, Jamie. The Music of the Spheres: Music, Science and the Natural Order of the Universe. (New York: Springer Verlag, 1995). Joseph, George Gheverghese. The Crest of the Peacock 2nd. ed. (London: Penguin Books, 2000). Reviewed in the NNJ vol.3 no.3 by Karim Abdul Bangura. Kalay, Yehuda E. Architecture's New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design by Reviewed by Sylvie Duvernoy in the NNJ vol. 7 no. 1 (Spring 2004) Kappraff, Jay. Connections : the Geometric Bridge between Art and Science. 2nd edition. (Singapore: World Scientific, 2002). Reviewed by Slavik Jablan in the NNJ vol. 4 no. 4. The new edition. Kepes, G. (ed.). Module, Proportion, Symmetry, Rhythm (New York: George Braziller, 1966). Recommended by Slavik Jablan. Out of stock. Kemp, Martin. The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992). Koestler, Arthur. The Sleepwalkers. (London: Arkana/Penguin Books, 1989). Branko Kolarevic, ed. Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing (New York & London: Spon Press - Taylor & Francis Group, 2003). Reviewed by Carol Hermann in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004) Krausse, Joachim, ed. Your Private Sky : R. Buckminster Fuller : The Art of Design Science (Lars Muller Publishers, 1999). Reviewed by Kim Williams in the NNJ, vol. 2 no. 4 (October 2000). Krier, Rob. Architectural Composition (London: Academy Editions, 1988).Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.2 no.2. Krome, Barratt. Logic and Design: In Art, Science and Mathematics (London: The Herbert Press Ltd., 1980). Leyton, Michael. A Generative Theory of Shape. Reviewed by Stephen R. Wassell in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 1 (Spring 2004) Lauwerier, Hans. Fractals : Endlessly Repeated Geometrical Figures. Princeton Science Library, Sophia Gill-Hoffstadt, trans. (Princeton University Press, 1991). Referenced in Mikiten-Saligaros-Yu in the NNJ vol.2 no.2. Lawlor, Robert. Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1989). "This is an introduction to the geometry which, as the ancients taught and modern science now confirms, underlies the structure of the universe...Robert Lawlor sets out the system of number, shape and proportions that determines the dimension and form of both man-made nd natural structures, from Gothic cathedrals to flowers, from music to the human body" (Comments from the book's cover). Le Corbusier, Le Modulor and Modulor 2. English edition (Birkhauser, 2000). Reviewed by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol. 3 no. 1. No longer available from Amazon.com, this title can be ordered through Amazon UK: click here. Le Corbusier. Towards a New Architecture (London: Architectural Press, 1927). Referenced in Nikos Salingaros' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Leyton, Michael. A Generative Theory of Shape. (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001). Referenced in Michael Leyton's article in NNJ vol.3 no.3. Leyton, Michael. Symmetry, Causality, Mind. (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1999). Referenced in Michael Leyton's article in NNJ vol.3 no.3. Linn, Charles. F. The Golden Mean: Mathematics And The Fine Arts (New York: Doubleday, 1974).Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.2 no.2. Out of print. Mandelbrot, Benoit. The Fractal Geometry of Nature (New York: W.F. Freeman, 1983). "Mandelbrot is the person who brought together many diverse and strange areas of mathematics and explained and organized them as fractal geometry. Fractal is his term. This book is sometimes hard to follow, but wonderfully illustrated and fun to look and read through" (Comments by Carl Bovill, author of Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design). Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol. 3 no. 1. March,
Lionel. Architectonics of Humanism : Essays on Number in Architecture.
(London: Academy Editions, 1998). A
crucial companion to Wittkower's classic Architectural Principles March, Lionel and Philip Steadman. The Geometry of Environment: An Introduction to Spatial Organization in Design (London: RIBA Publications, 1971). Out of print, but if you wish Amazon.com to search for a copy for you, click here. Marchant, Paul. Unity in Pattern: A study Guide in Traditional Geometry. (London: The Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture, 1997). Masi, Fausto. The Pantheon as an Astronomical Instrument (Rome: Edizioni Internazionali di Letteratura e Scienze, 1996).Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.2 no.2. Martin, Elizabeth, ed. Architecture as a Translation of Music. Pamphlet Architecture no. 16. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 1995). Maude, Thomas. Guided by a Stone-Mason : The Cathedrals, Abbeys and Churches of Britain Unveiled (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 1997). Referenced in Nancy Wu's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. McClain, Ernest. The Pythagorean Plato:Prelude to the Song Itself. (Nicholas Hays, 1994). MacDonald, William L. The Pantheon: Design, Meaning and Progeny, Harvard University Press, 1981. Michell, John. The Dimensions of Paradise, ( rpt. London: Thames and Hudson, 1988). Out of print, but you can search for it by clicking here. Mitrovic, Branko. Learning from Palladio. New York: W.W. Norton, 2004. Referenced in Branko Mitrovic's article in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004). Reviewed by Kim Williams in the NNJ vol. 7 no. 1 (Spring 2004) Naredi-Rainer, Paul von. Architectur und Harmonie - Zahl, Mass und Proportion in der abendländischen Baukunst (Cologne, 1982). Necipoglu, Gulru and Mohammad Al-Asad. The Topkapi Scroll: Geometry and Ornament in Islamic Architecture. (Santa Monica, CA: 1995). Nelson, David, George Gherveghese Joseph and Julian Williams. Multicultural Mathematics: Teaching Mathematics from a Global Perspective (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993). Neugebauer, Otto. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. (Harper, 1962). Newman, Rochelle and Donna M. Fowler. Space, Structure, & Form (The Golden Relationship : Art, Math and Nature) Referenced by Paul Calter in NNJ vol.2 no.2. Nicholas of Cusa. The Layman on Wisdom and the Mind. Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies TranslationSeries, 4. (Ottowa: Dovehouse, 1989). Nicoletti, Manfredi. Sergio Musmeci. Organicità di forme e forze nello spazio. Universale di architettura, 54 (Turin: Testo & Immagine, 1999). Reviewed by Alessandra Capanna in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Nicomachus of Gerasa. Introduction to Arithmetic. M.L. D'Ooge, trans. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1938). ). Referenced in Jay Kappraff's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Nicomachus. The Manual of Harmonics. F.R. Levin, trans. Grand Rapids, MI: Phanes Press (1994). Referenced in Jay Kappraff's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Pacioli, Luca. The Divine Proportion (De divina proporzione). (Abaris Books, 2000). Not yet published, this book can be pre-ordered by clicking here. Padovan, Richard. Proportion: Philosophy, Science and Architecture (E & F N Spon, 1999). Pajares-Ayuela, Paloma. Cosmatesque Ornament: Flat Polychrome Geometric Patterns in Architecture. Maria Fleming Alvarez, trans. (London and New York: WW Norton, 2001). Reviewed by Kim Williams in the NNJ vol. 5 no. 2 Palesca, Claude V. Humanism in Italian Musical Thought. (New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1985). Referenced in Lionel March's article, NNJ vol. 3 no. 4. Palladio, Andrea. Four Books of Architecture. IsaacWare, ed. (New York: Dover Publications, 1976). The classic translation, in paperback. Palladio, Andrea. The Four Books on Architecture. Trans. Robert Tavernor and Richard Schofield (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1997). The new translation, in hardback. Referenced in Stephen Wassell's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Peak, D. and M. Frame, Chaos Under Control (New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1994). Referenced in Reza Sarhangi's article in the NNJ vol. 1 no. 3. Pearce, Peter. Structure in Nature Is a Strategy for Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990). Peterson, Ivars. Fragments of Infinity: A Kaleidoscope of Math and Art (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001). Reviewed by Vera Spinadel in NNJ vol. 5 no. 2 Pedretti, Carlo. Leonardo Architect. (New York: Rizzoli, 1985.) Pennick, Nigel. Sacred Geometry: Symbolism and Purpose in Religious Structures. (Holmes Publishing Group, 1994). Perez Gomez, Alberto, ed. and Louise Pelletier, contributor, Architectural Representation and the Perspective Hinge (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997). Referenced in Michael Ostwald's article in NNJ vol.2 no.2 Peitgen, Heinz Otto, et al. Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science. (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992). "This is by far the most understandable mathematical book on chaos and fractal geometry. The book covers a wide range of topics some of which are more difficult mathematically than others. This is an essential book if one wants to deepen his or her understanding" (Comments by Carl Bovill, author of Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design). Plato. The Collected Dialogues.Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns, eds. Bollingen Series LXXI (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989). Plummer, L.Gordon. The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind. (Wheaton IL: Theosophical Publishing House). Robertson, E.G. Decorative cast iron of Australia (Viking O'Neil Penguin Books Australia, 1990). Rodrigues, José Francisco and Kim Williams (eds.) Nexus IV: Architecture and Mathematics (Fucecchio, Florence: Kim Williams Books, 2002). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Can also be ordered through Amazon.com. Rowe, Colin. The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1982). Referenced by Michael Ostwald in NNJ vol.2 no.2. Rykwert, Joseph The Dancing Column: On Order in Architecture. MIT Press: Cambridge Massachusetts, 1996. Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.4 no.4 Sarhangi, Reza (ed.) Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science. Conference Proceedings, 1998. (Winfield, Kansas, USA: Bridges Conference, 1998). To order this book, send an e-mail to Reza Sarhangi. Sarhangi, Reza (ed.) Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science. Conference Proceedings, 1999. (Winfield, Kansas, USA: Bridges Conference, 1999). To order this book, send an e-mail to Reza Sarhangi. Sarhangi, Reza (ed.) Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science. Conference Proceedings, 2000. (Winfield, Kansas, USA: Bridges Conference, 2000). To order this book, send an e-mail to Reza Sarhangi. Sarhangi, Reza (ed.) Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science. Conference Proceedings, 2001. (Winfield, Kansas, USA: Bridges Conference, 2001). To order this book, send an e-mail to Reza Sarhangi. To read the conference report of Bridges 2001, click here. Schattschneider, Doris ed. M.C. Escher. Visions of Symmetry. (New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1990). This book combines two of the artist's previously unavailable notebooks with the complete body of his symmetrical drawings (over 400 illustrations in all, nearly 180 never before published until this book). (Recommended by Vera W. Spinadel). Schattschneider, Doris and Michele Emmer, eds. M. C. Escher's legacy: A Centennial Celebration (New York: Springer Verlag, 2003). Reviewed by David Reid in the NNJ vol. 5 no. 2 Scholfield, P.H. The Theory of Proportion in Architecture. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958). Referenced by Marcus Frings, NNJ vol. 4, no.1 (2002). Schneider, Michael . The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe (New York: Harper Collins, 1995). Referenced in Mark Reynolds' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Schroeder, Manfred. Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws - Minutes from an Infinite Paradise (New York: W. H. Freeman & Company, 1991). Schröer, Klaus and Klaus Irle . "Ich aber quadriere den Kreis..." (Münster: Waxmann Verlag, 1998). Reviewed by Gert Sperling in the NNJ, vol. 2 no. 1. Schwaller de Lubicz, Rene A., The Temple In Man: Ancient Egyptian Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man. Trans. Robert Lawlor and Deborah Lawlor. (Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1988). Serlio, Sebastiano. The Five Books of Architecture (New York: Dover Publications, 1982). Serlio, Sebastiano. On Architecture, Vol. 2 (Books VI-VII of "Tutte l'opere d'architettura et prospetiva" with "Castrametation of the Romans" and "The Extraordinary Book of Doors"). Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, trans. (New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 2001.) Serra, Michael. Discovering Geometry: An Inductive Approach. 2nd ed. (Berkeley: Key Curriculum Press, 1997). "Michael Serra has written a genuinely exciting geometry book. This book is unique in that the students actually create geometry for themselves as they proceed through the activities and the problems. Concepts are first introduced visually, then analytically, then inductively, and, finally, deductively" (Comments from the Introduction). Seymour, D. and J. Britton, Introduction to Tesselations (Palo Alto, Canada: Kale Seymour Publications, 1989). Referenced in Reza Sarhangi's article in the NNJ vol. 1 no. 3. Shepard, Anna O. The Symmetry of Abstract Design with Special Reference to Ceramic Decoration (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington). Skinner, J. Ralston. Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery in the Source of Measure (Kessinger Publishing, 1997). Snodgrass, Adrian. Architecture, Time and Eternity : A Studies in the Stellar and Temporal Symbolism of Traditional Buildings. Sata-Pitaka Series, V. 356-357. Out of print. Sommerson, John Newenham. The Classical Language of Architecture. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984). Sperling, Gert. Das Pantheon in Rom. Abbild und Mass des Kosmos (Neuried, Germany: Ars Una, 1999). Gert Sperling presented an abstract of this work at the Nexus 98 conference on architecture and mathematics. For more information, click here. Spinadel, Vera W. de. From the Golden Mean to Chaos (Buenos Aires: Vera W. de Spinadel, 1998). "This book...refers to relationships and connections between different fields of Mathematics and Physics, such as non-euclidian geometries, quantum mechanics, number theory, dynamical systems, fractals and multifractals, etc. Moreover, this book is addressed also to people with a moderate background in Mathematics who are interested in the cultural, historical and social aspects of the scientific problems involved" (Comments by Vera W. de Spinadel, author). To order a copy of this book, send an e-mail to Vera Spinadel. Spinadel, Vera W. de, Jorge G. Perera and Jorge H. Perera. Geometria Fractal (Buenos Aires: Nueva Libreria, 1994). To order a copy of this book, send an e-mail to Vera Spinadel. Steadman, Philip. Vermeer's Camera: The Truth Behind the Masterpieces (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 207 pp. Reviewed by David Vila Domini in the NNJ vol. 4 no. 4. Stevens, Garry. The Reasoning Architect: Mathematics and Science in Design. International Editions, Architecture Series (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990). Stevens, Peter S. and C. Peter Stevens. Handbook of Regular Patterns: An Introduction to Symmetry in Two Dimensions. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992). Stevens, Peter S. Patterns in Nature. Out of print. Stewart, Ian and Martin Golubitsky. Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer? (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1993). Stewart, Ian and Martin Golubitsky. Denkt Gott Symmetrisch? Das Ebenmass in Mathematik und Natur, Hanjo Schnug, trans. (Basel: Birkhauser Verlag, 1993). German edition of Fearful Symmetry. Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol. 3 no.1 Winter 2000. Stewart, Ian and Martin Golubitsky. Turings Tijger, Hanbs van Cuijlenborg, trans. (Utrecht: Epsilon Uitgaven, 1994). Dutch edition of Fearful Symmetry. Stewart, Ian and Martin Golubitsky. Terribili simmetrie: Dio è un geometra? (Torino: Bollati Borighieri, 1995). Italian edition of Fearful Symmetry. Struk, D.J. A Concise History of Mathematics (New York: Dover, 1987). Referenced by Dag Nilsen in the NNJ vol. 3 no. 1. Tavernor, Robert. On Alberti and the Art of Building (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999). Reviewed by Kim Williams in NNJ vol.2 no.2. Taylor, Thomas. The Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans. (Red Wheel/Weiser, 1978). Theon of Smyrna. The Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato. R. and D. Lawlor, trans. San Diego: Wizard's Bookshelf (1979). Referenced in Jay Kappraff's article in the NNJ vol. 2 no. 4. Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. On Growth and Form (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). Tompkins, Peter. Secrets of the Great Pyramid (rpt. New York: Budget Books,1997). Vajda, Steven. Fibonacci And Lucas Numbers, And The Golden Section (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1989). Referenced by Michael Ostwald in the NNJ vol.2 no.2. Van der Laan, Hans. Architectonic Space - Fifteen Lessons on the Disposition of the Human Habitat. Trans. Richard Padovan. (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill Academic Publishers, 1983). Veltman, Kim H. Linear Perspective and the Visual Dimensions of Science and Art (Munich: Kunstverlag, 1986). Referenced in George Hart's article, NNJ vol. 4 no. 2. Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da. Canon of the Five Orders of Architecture . Trans. Branko Mitrovic (New York: Acanthus Press, 1999). This edition, intended for practicing classical architects and students of classical architecture,includes a reprint of the 1572 edition of Vignola's work with a new English translation, followed by a commentary. The commentary at the back helps to clarify some of the more complicated points made by Vignola in his text. It also provides information about the use of the classical orders and compares Vignola's formulation of the canon with formulations of other major Renaissance authors. I have added illustrations of the five orders from Palladio's Four Books on Architecture that are necessary to apply the five orders according to his version of the canon. (Comments by Branko Mitrovic, translator and commentator.) Reviewed by Stephen R. Wassell in NNJ vol. 2 no.2 Vitruvius, Pollio. Ten Books on Architecture. Trans. Morris Hickey Morgan, 1914 (rpt. New York: Dover Publications, 1960). The only surviving primary source for Roman architectural theory, its influence has been felt through the centuries. Referenced in Marco Frascari's article in NNJ vo. 1 no. 3. Referenced by Michael Ostwald in NNJ vol.2 no.2. Vitruvius. The Ten Books on Architecture. Ingrid Rowland and Thomas Howe, trans. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999). Washburn, Dorothy K. and Donald W. Crowe. Symmetries of Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1988; paperback ed., 1991). Referenced in Mikiten-Salingaros-Yu in NNJ vol.2 no.2 Wells, David. Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry. Illustrations by John Sharp (Penguin USA, 1992). Read John Sharp's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Referenced in Marco Frascari's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 3. Weyl, Hermann. Symmetry. Princeton Science Library (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980). "This is a wonderful book that relates the mathematical concept of symmetry to the concept of symmetry as it is used in architecture and the arts. It also discusses symmetry in nature" (Comments by Carl Bovill, author of Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design). Williams, Kim. Italian Pavements: Patterns in Space (Houston: Anchorage Press, 1997). Referenced in John Sharp's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Williams, Kim (ed.) Nexus: Architecture and Mathematics (Fucecchio, Florence: Edizioni dell'Erba, 1996). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Reviewed by Leonard Eaton in the NNJ vol. 1 (1999). Can also be ordered through Amazon.com. Williams, Kim (ed.) Nexus II: Architecture and Mathematics (Fucecchio, Florence: Edizioni dell'Erba, 1998). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Can also be ordered through Amazon.com. Williams, Kim (ed.) Nexus III: Architecture and Mathematics (Pisa: Pacini Editore, 2000). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Can also be ordered through Amazon.com. Rodrigues, José Francisco and Kim Williams (eds.) Nexus IV: Architecture and Mathematics (Fucecchio, Florence: Kim Williams Books, 2002). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Can also be ordered through Amazon.com. Delgado, Francisco and Kim Williams (eds.) Nexus V: Architecture and Mathematics (Fucecchio, Florence: Kim Williams Books, 2004). Order this book through the NNJ Bookshop! To read abstracts of the papers published here, click here. Williams, Kim ed. Nexus Network Journal, vol. 1 (1999). CAN NOW BE ORDERED DIRECTLY THROUGH THE NNJ! Williams, Kim ed. Nexus Network Journal, vol. 2 (2000). CAN NOW BE ORDERED DIRECTLY THROUGH THE NNJ! Williams, Robert. The Geometrical Foundation of Natural Structure - A Source Book of Design (New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1972, 1977).
Wittkower, Rudolf. Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism (New York: W.W. Norton, 1971). The older paperback edition. Referenced in Stephen Wassell's article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 2. Wittkower, Rudolf. Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1998). The newest edition. Wood, Jeryldene M., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Piero della Francesca Reviewed by Joao Pedro Xavier in the NNJ vol. 7 no. 1 (Spring 2004) Wu, Nancy Y. (ed.). Ad Quadratum: The Practical Application of Geometry in Medieval Architecture (Ashgate Press, 2003). Reviewed by Maria Teresa Bartoli in the NNJ vol. 6 no. 2 (Autumn 2004) Yates, Francis. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). Xenakis, Iannis. Formalized Music : Thought and Mathematics in Composition (Harmonologia Series, No. 6) Bloomington:University of Indiana Press, 1971. Xenakis, Iannis. Musique. Architecture. Paris, 1976. Referenced in Liliana Curcio's report on the Nexus 2000 conference in the NNJ vol. 3 no. 1. ![]() ![]() Copyright ©2004 Kim Williams Books |