Spirals and the Golden Section |
John Sharp 20 The Glebe,Watford Herts
WD2 6LR, England
INTRODUCTION The Golden Section is a fascinating topic
that continually generates new ideas. It also has a status that
leads many people to assume its presence when it has no relation
to a problem. It often forces a blindness to other alternatives
when intuition is followed rather than logic. Mathematical inexperience
may also be a cause of some of these problems. In the following,
my aim is to fill in some gaps, so that correct value judgements
may be made and to show how new ideas can be developed on the
rich subject area of spirals and the Golden section.
Since this special issue of the NNJ is concerned with
the Golden Section, I am not describing its properties unless
appropriate. I shall use the symbol f
to denote the Golden section (f»1.61803).
There are many aspects to Golden section spirals, and much
more could be written. The parts of this paper are meant to be
read sequentially, and it is especially important to understand
the different types of spirals in order that the following parts
are seen in context:
Part 1. Types of spirals
Part 2. Spirals from the Golden rectangle, triangles
and the pentagon by approximation
Part 3. Mathematics of true Golden Section spirals
Part 4. The Myth of the Nautilus shell
THE AUTHOR John Sharp has researched and taught Geometry and Art for over
20 years in Adult Education in and around London. He is the illustrator
of David Wells' Penguin
Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry and has written his own book on modelling
geometrical surfaces called Sliceforms, some of which
are in the "Strange
Surfaces" exhibit
in the Science Museum in London.
The correct citation
for this article is: John Sharp, "Spirals and
the Golden Section", Nexus Network Journal, vol.
4, no. 1 (Winter 2002), http://www.nexusjournal.com/Sharp_v4n1-intro.html |
 Copyright ©2002 Kim Williams
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