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![]() Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 27–50 (2005) |
Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on the Schwartz space of bounded symmetric domainsMiroslav EnglisMiroslav EnglisMÚ AV CR Zitná 25 11567 Praha 1 Czech Republic englis@math.cas.cz Abstract: Borthwick, Lesniewski and Upmeier ["Nonperturbative deformation quantization of Cartan domains," J. Funct. Anal. 113 (1993), 153–176] proved that on any bounded symmetric domain (Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type), for any compactly supported smooth functions $f$ and $g$, the product of the Toeplitz operators $T_f T_g$ on the standard weighted Bergman spaces can be asymptotically expanded into a series of another Toeplitz operators multiplied by decreasing powers of the Wallach parameter $\nu$. This is the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization. In this paper, we remove the hypothesis of compact support and show that their result can be extended to functions $f$, $g$ in a certain algebra which contains both the space of all smooth functions whose derivatives of all orders are bounded and the Schwartz space. Applications to deformation quantization are also given. \endgraf Subject classification: \rm Primary 22E30; Secondary 43A85, 47B35, 53D55. \sl Keywords: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, bounded symmetric domain, Schwartz space Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 26 Aug 2004. This page was last modified: 4 Jun 2010.
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