Every year
the JEHPS lists the books and articles on the history of
probability and statistics that have appeared in the previous year. Inevitably
there will be omissions but these can be made good. If you know of any in the
list below, please contact me, John Aldrich, at john.aldrich@soton.ac.uk and I will
put things right.
literature on the history of probability and statistics is very dispersed, with
contributions appearing both in outlets specialising in history and in outlets
specialising in probability and statistics. The present list covers
contributions of both kinds and aims to be comprehensive. At the same time, by
considering only the history of probability and statistics, it is more focussed
than the existing resources.
Besides general search engines like
the principal existing resources are
The Current Index to Statistics lists publications, journal articles and
books. Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt
MATH generally
summarise each publication. Historia Mathematica has abstracts of recent
publications in each issue.
Brian, E. and M. Jaisson (2007) Le sexisme de la première heure : Hasard et sociologie de Liber - Raisons d'agir Amazon
E., A. Lesne and
Cudeck, R.
and R. C. MacCallum (Editors) (2007) Factor Analysis at 100: Historical
Developments and Future Directions, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, US Amazon
A. and H. Willems (2007) Wolfgang
Doeblin: A mathematician rediscovered, Springer DVD-ROM Amazon
(2007) Reminiscences of a
Statistician: The Company I Kept, Springer. Amazon
Louçã, F.
(2007) The Years of High
Econometrics: A Short History of the Generation That Reinvented Economics, Routledge.Amazon
August (1886/2007) Geschichte,
Theorie und Technik der Statistik, Vdm Verlag Dr. Mller.
These are
ordered alphabetically by the name of the author of the book under review. Some
of the books appeared in the 2005/6 list.
K. (2005) Predicting the Weather:
Victorians and the Science of Meteorology. Reviewed by M. D. Eddy British Journal for the History of Science, 40 (2), (2007), 295-297.
Barbut, M., B. Locker; and L. Mazliak (editors) (2004) Lévy, Paul; and Fréchet, Maurice. 50 ans de correspondance en 107 lettres. Reviewed by Roman Duda in Zentralblatt MATH 1096.01011.
J. (2005) The Art of Conjecturing,
together with Letter to a Friend on Sets in Court Tennis Translated with an introduction and notes by
Edith Dudley Sylla. Reviewed by D. Bellhouse, Historia Mathematica, 33, (2007), 435-436.
Bulmer, M.
(2003) Francis Galton: Pioneer of
Heredity and Biometry.
Reviewed by V. B. Smocovitis,
Courtault, J.-M. and Your Kabanov
(2002) Louis Bachelier: Aux
origines de la finance mathématique. Reviewed by R. W. Dimand, History of Political Economy 39 (2), (2007), 318-320.
Hahn, R.
(2005) Pierre Simon Laplace
1749-1827: A Determined Scientist. Reviewed by R. Fox British
Journal for the History of Science, 40 (4), (2007), 613-614
W. (2005) The Commercial and
Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary, edited and introduced by Howard Wainer and
Ian Spence. Reviewed by H. Maas, History
of Political Economy, 39 (2), (2007), 324-325.
Porter, T.
M. (2004) Karl Pearson: The
Scientific Life in a Statistical Age. Reviewed by P. W. Hunter Historia
Mathematica, 33, (2007), 233-236.
L. (2006) Disciplining Statistics:
Demography and Vital Statistics in
The Journal Electronique is the only journal dedicated to the history
of probability and statistics and is already the most important publication in
terms of the number of articles it publishes. Other contributions are widely
scattered across history of science journals, statistics journals, mathematics
journals and natural and social science journals. Note that sometimes MR lists an article without reviewing it and
sometimes presents the bibliography without the review. Where a link is given
there is something—either a review or a bibliography.
Aldrich, J. (2007) Information and Economics in
Fisher’s Design of Experiments, International
Statistical Review, 75, 131-149.
Aldrich, J.
(2007) But you have to
remember P. J. Daniell of Sheffield Journal
Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
T. W. (2007) Multiple discoveries: Distribution of roots of determinantal
equations, Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference,
137, (11), 3240-3248.
Baccini, A. (2007) Edgeworth on the foundations of
ethics and probability, European
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14 (1), 79- 96.
Baker, S.
G., S. Barnett and K. Peirce (2007) Youden, and Receiver Operating
Characteristic Curves, American
Statistician, 61 (4), 343-346.
Bellhouse, D. R (2007) Lord Stanhope's papers on the Doctrine of Chances, Historia Mathematica, 33, 173-186. MR2320098
Bellhouse, D. R (2007) The Problem of Waldergrave, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
D. R and C. Genest (2007) Maty's Biography of Abraham De Moivre, Translated,
Annotated and Augmented, Statistical
Science, 22, 109-136. Project
Benzi, M.,
and Seneta, E. (2007) Francesco Paolo Cantelli, International Statistical Review, 75, 127-130.
O. (2007) Writing “The Probability Approach” with Nowhere to Go: Haavelmo in the
United States, 1939-44, Econometric
Theory, 775-837.
O. (2007) Ragnar Frisch's Business cycle Approach: The Genesis of the
Propagation and Impulse Model, European
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, 449-486.
M. and G. Erreygers (2007) Early Contributions to Quantitative Business Cycle
Research: An Introduction, European
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, 415-421.
M. and H.-M. Trautwein (2007) Johan Åkerman vs. Ragnar Frisch on Quantitative
Business Cycle Analysis, European
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, 487-517.
Boutroux, P. (2007) Les origines du calcul des probabilités reprinted from the La
Revue du Mois with commentary by L. Mazliak Borel, probability and La Revue du Mois
Journal Electronique
d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Ceccarelli, G. (2007) The Price for Risk-Taking : Marine Insurance and Probability, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1)
Ceccarelli G. (2007) Le jeu comme contrat et le risicum chez Olivi, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
J. (2007) Henry Mayhew: the Statistical Dickens, Significance, 4, 136-138.
S. D. (2007) Lindeberg's Central Limit Theorem à la Hausdorff, Expositiones Mathematicae, 25 (3), 215-233. MR2345178
Coumet, E. (2007) Le problème des partis avant Pascal/ The problem of points before Pascal, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Coumet, E. (2007) La théorie du hasard est-elle née par hasard ?
Journal Electronique
d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
David, H. A. and W. A. Fuller (2007) Sir Maurice
Kendall (1907-1983): A Centenary Appreciation, American Statistician, 61 (1), 41-46
Denis, D.
J. and K.
Erreygersy, and G. A. Jolink (2007) Perturbation,
Networks and Business Cycles: Bernard Chait’s Pioneering Work in Econometrics, European Journal of the History of
Economic Thought,
Fienberg, S. E. and Alessandro Rinaldo (2007) Three centuries of Categorical
Data Analysis: Log-linear Models and Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference, 137, 3430-3445. MR2363267
Föllmer, H.
(2007) On Kiyosi Itô's Work and its Impact, International
Congress of Mathematicians. Vol. I, 109-123, Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2007. MR2334188
M. (2007). A brief history of data visualization. In Handbook of Computational Statistics: Data Visualization C. Chen, W. Härdle and A. Unwin, eds.) III. Springer,
Friendly M.
(2007) A.-M. Guerry's Moral Statistics of
Glenna, L. L. Margaret A. Gollnick, and Stephen S.
Jones (2007) Eugenic
Godin, B.
(2007) From Eugenics to Scientometrics: Galton, Cattell, and Men of Science, Social Studies of Science, 37, 691-728.
Graber, F.
(2007) Obvious Decisions: Decision-making among French Ponts-et-Chaussées
Engineers around 1800, Social
Studies of Science, 37, 935-960.
Haavelmo, T. and O Bjerkholt The Nature and Logic of
Econometric Inference: The 1942
Hall, N. S.
(2007) R. A. Fisher and his advocacy of randomization, Journal of the History of Biology, 40, 295-325.
C. (2007) Constant Differences: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, the Concept of the
Observer in Early Nineteenth-century Practical Astronomy and the History of the
Personal Equation, British Journal
for the History of Science, 40 (3), 333-365.
Iglewicz, B. (2007) Einstein's First Published Paper, American Statistician, 61 (4), 339-342.
Labbe Institutionalizing the Statistics of Nationality in
Malinvaud, E. (2007) About the role, in older days, of
econometrics in quantitative economics, European
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 14, 423-448.
Martin, T (2007) Des dangers de l'humour en histoire des sciences, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Mazliak, L.
(2007) On the exchanges between Wolfgang Doeblin and Bohuslav Hostinsky, Revue d'histoire des mathématiques, 13 (1), 155-180.
Mazliak, L. (2007) Ten Letters from Wolfgang Doeblin to Bohuslav Hostinsky Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Mazliak (2007) An Introduction to Karel
Vorovka's philosophy of randomness with English translation of the following
documents, Vorovka’s artcle Poznámka k problemu
ruinováni hráců (Observation on the problem of the gambler's ruin and
Bohuslav Hostinsky's eulogy O cinnosti Karla
Vorovky ve filosofii matematiky (On Karel Vorovka's contribution to the
philosophy of mathematics) Journal
Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
McKean, H. (2007)
Recollections of K. Itô and
Meusnier, N. (2007) Le problème des partis peut-il etre d'origine arabo-musulmane?, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Meusnier, N. (2007) Une controverse sur un théorème ‘probabiliste’ d'Oresme, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Meusnier, N. (2007) A propos de l'utilisation par Oresme d'une argumentation probabiliste Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Meusnier, N. (2007) Le problème des partis bougede plus en plus Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Meusnier, N. and S. Piron (2007) Medieval probabilities : Claims for a Reappraisal, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (1).
Morini, S. (2007) Bruno de Finetti : l'origine de son subjectivisme, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
G. S., A. D. Hutsonb and M. P. McDermotta
(2007) Life and legacy of Samarendra Nath Roy 1906-1964, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (1), 3208-3212.
O'Rourke, K. (2007) An Historical Perspective on
Meta-analysis: Dealing Quantitatively with Varying Study Results, Journal of the Royal Society of
Medicine, 100, 579-582.
Perkins, E. (2007) Kiyosi Ito, Inaugural Recipient of
the Gauss Prize 2006, CMS Notes.
Piron, S. (2007) Traitement de l'incertitude commerciale dans la scolastique médiévale Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
Porter, T.
M. (2007) Introduction: The Statistical Office as a Social Observatory, Centaurus, 49 (4), 258-260.
E. and N. Collin (2007) Document: On Probable Knowledge, Science in Context, 20 (1), 135-143.
Ramsden, E. (2007) A Differential Paradox: The
Controversy surrounding the Scottish Mental Surveys of Intelligence and Family
Size, Journal of the History of the
Behavioral Sciences, 43 (2), 109-134.
Rusnock, A.
(2007) Medical Statistics and Hospital Medicine: The Case of the Smallpox
Vaccination, Centaurus, 49 (4), 337-359.
Rotheli, T.
F. (2007) Business Forecasting and the Development of Business Cycle Theory, History of Political Economy, 39 (3), 481-510.
Sathe, Y. S. (2007) Professor S.N. Roy: As I
remember him, Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (11), 3215.
Seneta E.
(2007) The Early Years of the Variance-Gamma Process, Advances in Mathematical Finance., Applied and Numerical Harmonic
Analysis, Birkhauser,
Boston, 3–19. MR2359359
Sheynin, O.
(2007) The True Value of a Measured Constant and the Theory of Errors, Historia Scientiarum, 17 (1).
Sheynin, O.
(2007) Markov: Integrity Is Just As Important As Scientific Merits, NTM Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der
Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 15 (4), 289-294.
R. and
S. (2007) Defining the Russian People: Konstantin Arsen’ev and Russian
Statistics Before 1861, History of
Science, 45 (1), 47-64.
J. N. (2007) Samarendra Nath Roy: An Appreciation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (11), 3213-3214.
Stigler, S.
M. (2007) The Epic Story of Maximum Likelihood, Statistical Science, 22, (4), 598-620 Project
Stigler, S.
M. (2007) The Pedigree of the International Biometric Society, Biometrics, 63 (2), 317-321.
Teira, D. (2007) Milton Friedman, the Statistical
Methodologist, History of Political
Economy, 39 (3), 511-527.
Triclot, M. (2007) Information et Entropie. Un double jeu avec les probabilités, Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique, 3 (2).
Tucker, W.
H. (2007) Burt’s separated twins: The larger picture, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 43 (1), 81-86.
Wolfenstein, G. K. (2007) Recounting the Nation: The
General Register Office and Victorian Bureaucracies, Centaurus,
49 (4), 261-288.
Zambelli, S. (2007) A Rocking Horse That Never Rocked:
Frisch’s “Propagation Problems and Impulse Problems”, History of Political Economy, 39 (1), 145-166.
A few journals regularly publish interviews with distinguished
practitioners and obituaries. These publications can be important sources for
the writing of contemporary history.
These are ordered
alphabetically by name of interviewee.
Takeshi Amemiya interviewed by J.
Powell, Econometric Theory, 23, (2007), 155-181.
Shoutir Kishore Chatterjee interviewed
by Tathagata Banerjee and Rahul Mukerjee, Statistical
Science, 22, (2007), 279-290. Project
Manfred Deistler interviewed by B.
Potscher, Econometric Theory, 23, (2007), 711-748.
Seymour Geisser interviewed by Ronald
Christensen and Wesley Johnson, Statistical
Science, 22, (2007), 637-650 Project
Dorothy Gilford interviewed by Edward
J. Wegman and Wendy L. Martinez, Statistical
Science, 22, (2007), 291-300. Project
Robert V. Hogg interviewed by Ronald
Herman Randles, Statistical Science, 22, (2007), 137-152. Project
Tim Holt interviewed by Julian
Champkin, Significance, 4, (2007), 75-76.
Claus Moser interviewed by Julian
Champkin, Significance, 4, (2007), 27-30.
Ingram Olkin interviewed by Allan R.
Sampson, Statistical Science, 22, (2007), 450-475. Project
Monroe Sirken interviewed by Barry I.
Graubard, Paul S. Levy and Gordon B. Willis, Statistical Science, 22, (2007), 637-650. Project
These are ordered
alphabetically by name of deceased.
Charles W. Dunnett 1921-2007
remembered by Ajit Tamhane & Peter Macdonald IMS Bulletin, 36 (2007), issue 7,
Milton Friedman 1912-2006 remembered
by Stephen M. Stigler IMS Bulletin, (2007) 36
issue 2, 8
Ted Harris 1919-2005 remembered by Ken
Alexander IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36
(2), 6
William Frederick Fenn Kemsley, MA,
1914-2006 remembered by F. E. Whitehead, Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, (2007), 170, 851-852.
David Kendall remembered by John
Kingman London Mathematical Society Newsletter December 2007
Jerome Hamilton Klotz 1934-2006
remembered by Richard Johnson & Kjell Doksum IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36, (2), 7
Frank B. Knight 1933-2007 remembered
by Donald Burkholder IMS Bulletin, (2007) 36,
(5), 6
A Tribute to Bill Kruskal Norman M.
Bradburn, Statistical Science, (2007), 22, 262-263. Project
William H. Kruskal and the Development
of Coordinate-Free Methods Morris L. Eaton, Statistical
Science, (2007), 22, 264-265. Project
William Kruskal: My Scholarly and
Scientific Model Stephen E. Fienberg, Statistical
Science, (2007), 22, 266-268. Project
William Kruskal Legacy: 1919-2005,
Stephen E. Fienberg, Stephen M. Stigler and Judith M. Tanur, Statistical Science, (2007), 22, 255-261. Project
Working with Bill Kruskal: From 1950
Onward, Leo A. Goodman, Statistical
Science, (2007), 22, 269-272. Project
Bill Kruskal and the Committee on
National Statistics, Margaret E. Martin, Statistical
Science, (2007), 22, 273-274. Project
William Kruskal Remembered, Stephen M.
Stigler, Statistical Science, (2007), 22, 275-276. Project
William H. Kruskal,
Lincoln Moses 1921-2006 remembered by
Bradley Efron IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36
(4), 12
Radu Theodorescu 1933-2007 remembered
by Christian Genest, IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36,
(8), 16
William T. Tucker 1934-2006 remembered
by Gerald J. Hahn, IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36,
(8), 17
H. Samuel Wieand 1944-2006 remembered
by Howard Rockette, IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36
(1), 7
Yao-Ting Zhang 1933-2007 remembered by
Zhaohai Li & Jian Huang, IMS Bulletin, (2007), 36, (10), 10
The following journals were consulted. (Most publish relevant articles
only occasionally and some published none in the period under review.)
Statistician, Annals
of Probability, Annals
of Science, Archive
for History of Exact Sciences, Australian
& New Zealand Journal of Statistics, Bayesian
Analysis, Biometrical
Journal, Biometrika,
Bollettino di Storia
delle Scienze Matematiche, British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science, British
Journal of the History of Science, Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society, Chance,
Convergence, Econometric Theory, Erkenntnis,
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Historia
Mathematica, Historia
Scientiarum, History
and Philosophy of Logic, History
of Political Economy, History of
Science, IMS
Bulletin, International Statistical
Review, Isis,
Journal de la Société
Francaise de Statistique, Journal of Official Statistics,
of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Applied Probability,
Journal of the
History of the Behavioral Sciences, Journal
of the History of Biology, Journal of the
History of Economic Thought, Journal
of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society A, Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference, NTM
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, Mathématiques et sciences humaines, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine,
Philosophy of Science, Revue
d'histoire des mathématiques, Revue d'histoire des
sciences, Rutherford
Journal, Social Studies of Science, Science
in Context, Significance,
Science Statistics
in Medicine, Studies
In History and Philosophy of Science Part A, Studies
In History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies In History and Philosophy
of Modern Physics