Based on ideas proposed by Massoudi and Rajagopal (M-R), we develop a model for blood
using the theory of interacting continua, that is, the mixture theory. We first provide a brief review
of mixture theory, and then discuss certain issues in constitutive modeling of a two-component
mixture. In the present formulation, we ignore the biochemistry of blood and assume that blood is
composed of red blood cells (RBCs) suspended in plasma, where the plasma behaves as a linearly
viscous fluid and the RBCs are modeled as an anisotropic nonlinear density-gradient-type fluid. We
obtain a constitutive relation for blood, based on the simplified constitutive relations derived for
plasma and RBCs. A simple shear flow is discussed, and an exact solution is obtained for a very
special case; for more general cases, it is necessary to solve the nonlinear coupled equations