Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 186372, 12 pages
The general approach to modeling binary data for the purpose of estimating the
propagation of an internal solitary wave (ISW) is based on the maximum likelihood
estimate (MLE) method. In cases where the number of observations in the data is small,
any inferences made based on the asymptotic distribution of changes in the deviance may be unreliable for binary data (the
model's lack of fit is described in terms of a quantity known as the deviance). The
deviance for the binary data is given by D. Collett (2003). may be unreliable for binary data.
Logistic regression shows that the P-values for the likelihood ratio test and the score
test are both <0.05. However, the null hypothesis is not rejected in the Wald test. The
seeming discrepancies in P-values obtained between the Wald test and the other two tests
are a sign that the large-sample approximation is not stable. We find that the parameters
and the odds ratio estimates obtained via conditional exact logistic regression are
different from those obtained via unconditional asymptotic logistic regression. Using
exact results is a good idea when the sample size is small and the approximate P-values
are <0.10. Thus in this study exact analysis is more appropriate.