This short contribution considers the essentials of nonlinear wave
properties in typical mechanical systems such as an infinite
straight bar, a circular ring, and a flat plate. It is found that
nonlinear resonance is experienced in all the systems exhibiting
continuous and discrete spectra, respectively. Multiwave
interactions and the stability of coupled modes with respect to
small perturbations are discussed. The emphasis is placed on
mechanical phenomena, for example, stress amplification, although
some analogies with some nonlinear optical systems are also
obvious. The nonlinear resonance coupling in a plate within the
Kirchhoff-Love approximation is selected as a two-dimensional
example exhibiting a rich range of resonant wave phenomena. This
is originally examined by use of Whitham's averaged Lagrangian
method. In particular, the existence of three basic resonant
triads between longitudinal, shear, and bending modes is shown.
Some of these necessarily enter cascade wave processes related to
the instability of some mode components of the triad under small