We consider the mathematical model of interaction of a vibrating surface with
the load placed on it. With the purpose of accounting for
influence on behavior of not only system interaction of a blade
with a load but also internal interaction of particles of a
material, the load is submitted as a finite number of strips with
zero thickness. The carrying blade is represented as a vibrating
membrane. It is supposed that the weight of the material is
comparable to or considerably surpasses the weight of the blade.
Therefore, the model takes into account the inertia of the
material. In the model with joint movement of the blade and the
load, the separation opportunity of the load from the blade is
provided. Therefore, there is a phase of separate movement of the
blade and the load, with their subsequent connection accompanied
with impact. The process of system movement is represented as
alternating sequences of joint and separate movements of the load
and the blade. The modeling of the process of the interaction of
the load and the blade is represented as an initial-boundary value
problem. The method of solution is developed and the exact
solution of the set problem is obtained in a class of generalized