Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 1 (1995), Issue 4, Pages 303-315
This paper considers the problem of assigning the dynamics of a nonlinear analytic system using nonlinear generalized sampled-data hold function (GSHF) control, in the neighborhood of an equilibrium point. On every sampling interval, the control input consists of a nonlinear time-periodic function applied to the sampled value
of the state vector. The nonlinear monodromy map is the state transition map from one sample time to the next. It is shown that this map is arbitrarily assignable by GSHF feedback if and only if the linear part of the system is controllable. Two approaches are proposed to construct a GSHF controller that performs the assignment. The
first approach matches the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of the monodromy map around the equilibrium. The second approach interpolates an optimal control law at several points in the vicinity of the equilibrium. These approaches are illustrated on an example.