Recently, as a nice application of Furuta inequality, Aluthge and Wang (J. Inequal. Appl., 3 (1999), 279–284) showed that “ifT is a p-hyponormal operator forp∈(0,1], thenTnisp/n-hyponormal for any positive integern,” and Furuta and Yanagida (Scientiae Mathematicae, to appear) proved the more precise result on powers of p-hyponormal operators for p∈(0,1]. In this paper, more generally, by using Furuta inequality repeatedly, we shall show that “ifT is a p-hyponormal operator forp>0, thenTnismin{1,p/n}-hyponormal for any positive integern” and a generalization of the results by Furuta and Yanagida in (Scientiae Mathematicae, to appear) on powers of p-hyponormal operators for p>0.