Let we have an integral operator
Kf(x): =v(x)∫a(x)b(x)k(x,y)u(y)f(y)dy
for x>0 where a and b are nondecreasing functions, u and v are non-negative and finite functions, and k(x,y)≥0 is nondecreasing in x, nonincreasing in y and k(x,z)≤D[k(x,b(y))+k(y,z)] for y≤x and a(x)≤z≤b(y). We show that the integral operator K:X→Y where X and Y are Banach functions spaces with l-condition is bounded if and only if A<∞. Where A:=A0+A1 and A0:=supx≤y,a(y)≤b(x)‖χ(x,y)(.)v(.)k(.,b(x))‖Y ‖χ(a(y),b(x))u‖x′A1:=supx≤y,a(y)≤b(x) ‖χ(x,y)v‖Y ‖χ(a(y),b(x))(.)K(x,.)u(.)‖x′.