Let f be a polynomial with only real zeros having −1, +1 as consecutive zeros. It was proved by P. Erdős and T. Grünwald that if f(x)>0 on (−1,1), then the ratio of the area under the curve to the area of the tangential rectangle does not exceed 2/3. The main result of our paper is a multidimensional version of this result. First, we replace the class of polynomials considered by Erdős and Grünwald by the wider class ℭ consisting of functions of the form f(x):=(1−x2)ψ(x), where |ψ| is logarithmically concave on (−1,1), and show that their result holds for all functions in ℭ. More generally, we show that if f∈ℭ and max−1≤x≤1|f(x)|≤1, then for all p>0, the integral ∫−11|f(x)|pdx does not exceed ∫−11(1−x2)pdx. It is this result that is extended to higher dimensions. Our consideration of the class ℭ is crucial, since, unlike the narrower one of Erdős and Grünwald, its definition does not involve the distribution of zeros of its elements; besides, the notion of logarithmic concavity makes perfect sense for functions of several variables.