Let H
be a real Hilbert space, Ω a nonempty closed convex subset of H, and T:Ω→2H a maximal monotone operator with T−10 ≠ ∅. Let PΩ be
the metric projection of H onto Ω. Suppose that, for any given xn∈H, βn>0,
and en∈H, there exists x¯n∈Ω satisfying the following set-valued mapping equation:
xn+en∈x¯n+βnT(x¯n) for all n≥0, where {βn}⊂(0,+∞)
with βn→+∞
as n→∞
and {en}
is regarded as an error
sequence such that ∑n=0∞‖en‖2<+∞. Let {αn}⊂(0,1]
be a real sequence such that αn→0
as n→∞
and ∑n=0∞αn=∞. For any fixed u∈Ω, define a sequence
{xn} iteratively as xn+1=αnu+(1−αn)PΩ(x¯n−en) for all n≥0.
Then {xn} converges strongly to a point z∈T−10 as n→∞, where z=limt→∞Jtu.